This book presents the knowledge and skills required for effective practice with children and families. Updated to cover recent developments in professional practice and child protection.
Ferguson, H (1990) Rethinking child protection practices: a case for history. In Violence Against Children Study Group (eds), Taking Child Abuse Seriously. London: Unwin Hyman. Ferguson, H(2005) Blame culture in child protection.
The dilemma to be resolved is how the legal framework, and the legal process, can best reconcile safeguarding children from suffering significant harm with the obligation to respect personal autonomy and family privacy (Hayes, 1997).
This essential textbook is especially designed for practitioners studying at this level. Accessible and thorough, the text focuses on a mixture of conceptual and organisational topics, skills, law, policy and key practice issues.
... S., Jones, A. and Ward, S. (2009) An Analysis of the Key Issues that Impact on Practice Pre- and Post Implementation of the Integrated Children's System. London: Department for Children, Schools and Families. Hollis, F. (1964) ...
Francis K. O. Yuen Family health social work practice emphasizes the attainment of the holistic wellbeing of a family system and its members. Family health is “manifested by the development of, and continuous interaction among, ...
This book will provide you with the initial developing knowledge and skills needed to practice ethically and effectively with children and families.
Written in a lively and engaging style, students and newly qualified social workers will find this book provides a helpful introduction to children and families local authority social work as it exists today.
Michael and Ryan are mixed race half-brothers aged five and two years old respectively. Michael is of African-Caribbean/white/South Asian ethnicity, while Ryan is AfricanCaribbean/white/Chinese.Their mother, Sara, had left them 'home ...
In this " juvenalization of poverty " preschoolers are the poorest Americans ( Gustavsson and Segal 1994 : 59 ) . According to the 2000 census , one in five ( 19.7 percent ) of children under five are poor ( Children's Defense Fund 2001 ) ...
How to best protect children from inappropriate school expectations, practices, and policies. Young Children, 44(3), 14-24. Bresnahan, K., Brooks, C., & Zuckerman, B. (1991). Prenatal cocaine use: Impact on mothers and infants.