At least one in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage, yet aftercare is rarely available for those who have experienced it. Grief Unseen explains different kinds of childbearing losses, such as failed fertility treatment, ectopic pregnancy, and stillbirth, and explores their emotional impact on women and their partners, and the process of healing.
This book is written by someone who has had many bereavements and life changes and has been through many types of grief.
This moving book is an essential resource for lesbians, friends and family of lesbians, mental health professionals, medical professionals, psychiatrists, LGBT health providers, feminist and lesbian organizations, and anyone involved with ...
This moving book is an essential resource for lesbians, friends and family of lesbians, mental health professionals, medical professionals, psychiatrists, LGBT health providers, feminist and lesbian organizations, and anyone involved with ...
What this Book is meant to do for you Pauline Barath, has written this book, to help shed a little more light on what a spontaneous abortion is, as well as how to deal with the loss of a child when most people will only see it as a blood ...
Lesbian Widows: Invisible Grief reveals the touching and very personal stories of twenty-five women, including the author, who were widowed at a young age and forced to create a new life without their life partners.
This thesis examines the function of the imagination as a natural healing instinct in childhood grief.
A steady best-seller and The Invisible String is reaching all over the World! WITH OVER 1 MILLION COPIES SOLD, this accessible, bestselling picture book phenomenon about the unbreakable connections between...
Similarly, identification, in psychoanalytic terms, is the process by which a person either extends his or her identity into another; borrows his or her identity from another; or fuses his or her identity with another (Rycroft 1995, ...
Explains why people die and what death means, the purpose of funerals, and how people react when loved ones die.
A hopeful way to process your lossInvisible Ink tells the story of a mother-daughter relationship that came to an end after a losing battle with cancer, but then found its way forward, again.