This title represents the most forward thinking and comprehensive review of development economics currently available.
Presents the contributions that early development theory can make to growth economics in answering why some countries are richer than others and why some economies grow faster than others.
This book provides an innovative framework to analyze the process of industrial upgrading and diversification, a key feature of economic development.
Debraj Ray, one of the most accomplished theorists in development economics today, presents in this book a synthesis of recent and older literature in the field and raises important questions that will help to set the agenda for future ...
Gagnon, J. and D. Khoudour-Castéras (2011), Tackling the Policy Challenges of Migration: Regulation, Integration, Development, Development Centre Studies, OECD Publishing, Paris,
This is in keeping with the Rethinking Economics campaign which argues that students are better served when they are presented with a spectrum of economic ideas rather than just the dominant paradigm.
Called "marvelous, rewarding" by the Wall Street Journal, the book offers a radical rethinking of the economics of poverty and an intimate view of life on 99 cents a day.
Anderson identified this as a novel variant of the basic theme and explains it in terms of the attempt by threatened ruling groups to self-consciously generate national feeling centered upon themselves. By the end of the First World War ...
For many decades post-colonial leaders in developing countries have tried various development plans based on orthodox development thinking and theorizing. Yet the developing world has failed to achieve sustained human-centered...
This volume reflects the highlights of their deliberations.
This book presents, or rather “re-presents”, the intricacies of a developing economy in the light of recent theoretical developments in economics while also providing a fresh perspective on the perceived inadequacies of the discipline ...