Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation is part of the ADVISOR ("Integrated Evaluation for Sustainable River Basin Governance") research project funded by the European Commission, under the "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" theme of the 5th Framework Research Programme. The aim of ADVISOR is to improve the understanding of evaluation processes as part of river basin planning and management and to provide a framework supported by a toolkit for the conduct of integrated and participatory evaluations. Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation is Work Package 4 of the project and helps to transfer the experience and lessons learned during the ADVISOR project to policy makers, contributing especially to the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive. An Integrated Deliberative Decision Process (IDDP) is proposed to be adopted as the platform to achieve integrated evaluations and this book explains and provides a step-by-step guidance on how to design and run such a process. Integrated Deliberative Decision Processes for Water Resources Planning and Evaluation has been written especially for policy makers, with theoretical reflections also provided where these bear importance to practical implementation.
Several boreholes have been opened to pump coastal reservoirs, a practice which has led to over-exploitation and ... Water resource management in Greece is decided at central level as far as financing and construction of new water works ...
This volume brings together, in a central text, chapters written by leading scholars working at the intersection of modeling, the natural and social sciences, and public participation.
... social, economic and environmental dimensions. 2. Water plans and accreditation in regard to content requirements and processes. 3. Linkages between rural and urban water systems, including in peri-urban areas. 4. Indigenous ...
This important new book provides an excellent critical evaluation of new modes of governance in environmental and sustainability policy.
... shark , Carcharhinus obscurus , Atlantic sharpnose shark , Rhizoprionodon terraenovae , and the sand tiger , Carcharius taurus , from the northwest Atlantic Ocean . Environmental Biology of Fishes 54 , 205–217 . Graham , J.B. , Dewar ...
From Conflict to Shared Management Jacques Ganoulis, Jean Fried. coordinating administrative actions and decision making between and among different jurisdictional levels—one of which may be global. Definition 3, due to (Saunier and ...
... Integrated deliberative decision process for water resources planning and evaluation. London: IWA Publishing. Klopp, JM. & Petretta, DL. 2017. The urban sustainable development goal: Indicators, complexities and the politics of ...
Peter M. Haas and Sheila Jasanoff, editors Peter Dauvergne, Shadows in the Forest: Japan and the Politics of Timber ... Acid Rain Science and Politics in Japan: A History of Knowledge and Action Toward Sustainability Virginia M. Walsh, ...
In this book this science-policy-stakeholder interface (SPSI) is examined both analytically and through the description of practical experiences from river basins in Europe, India and South-East Asia.
DWA (Department of Water Affairs, Republic of South Africa), 2012, Proposed National Water Resource Strategy 2 {NWRS2}: Summary – Management Water for an Equitable and Sustainable Future, July 2012, Pretoria.