There's a full-colour introductory Ideas section full of inspired suggestions for visitors, from Festivals and San Francisco by night to Best for Kids and Top restaurants, with each selection cross-referenced to its location later in the ...
A travel guide for visitors on a short break or travelers who want quick information. Focuses on cities, islands and resort regions. This volume covers San Francisco.
NJudah streetcarfrom Downtown The Sunset's main commercial corridor, Irving Street between Sixth and11thavenues, istheplace fora relaxed night on the town, full of pubs, cafés and all manner of excellent restaurants.
Inside this guide book to San Francisco you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to San Francisco, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in North Beach, to family activities in ...
Pocket Rough Guide: San Francisco is your essential guide to this diverse city, with information on all the key sights in an easy-to-use format.
MAP Hosting abroad range of shows spanning paintings, sound based installations, and 3D drawings and photography, the small butspiritedAsterisk Galleryshowcases the best of San Francisco's underground talents.
Provides practical advice on planning trip to San Francisco, describes points of interest in each section of the city, and includes information on restaurants, nightspots, and shops.
Inside this guide book to San Francisco you will find: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRAVELLER Experiences selected for every kind of trip to San Francisco, from off-the-beaten-track adventures in North Beach, to family activities in ...
The Pocket Rough Guide to San Francisco is your essential guide to this diverse city, with information on all the key sights in an easy-to-use, pocket-size format and a full-color, pull-out map.
Each distinct neighbourhood is covered in the main, practical "Places" section, broken down into easily navigable spreads each with accompanying maps. Travelling with this guide is like having a local friend plan your trip.
Features of this travel guide to California: - Detailed regional coverage: provides practical information for every kind of trip, from off-the-beaten-track adventures to chilled-out breaks in popular tourist areas - Honest and independent ...