Recounts the adventures of Sinbad, the travelling merchant from the Tales of the Arabian Nights, who seems to have a special talent for being shipwrecked and escaping to tell the tale. By the creators of The Wild Washerwoman.
Quentin Blake's wonderfully lively illustrations combined with John Yeoman's thrilling storytelling make this an edition to treasure.
The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor
One in a series of classic stories illustrat ed by Quentin Blake, this book presents John Yeoman''s retell ing of the seven voyages of Sinbad, the sailor who featured prominently in Scheherezade''s Tales of the Arabian Nights. '
Retold in wonderful detail by long-time Quentin Blake collaborator John Yeoman, these stories sparkle with enchantment, adventure, and a beautifully imagined mix of the familiar and unfamiliar.
Seven washerwomen, sick of their work, go on an uncontrollable rampage, only to meet their match in seven very dirty woodcutters.
This is the astonishing true story of Zeraffa, a giraffe who was sent as a gift from Egypt to France in 1826.
A colorfully illustrated biography of the Greek philosopher and scientist Eratosthenes, who compiled the first geography book and accurately measured the globe's circumference.
For this vibrant retelling, James Riordan has drawn particularly on Sir Richard Burton's remarkable translation. Shelley Fowles tackles the illustrations with gusto and her comic touch gives these classic stories a highly contemporary feel.
This winter the Bear wants to be able to sleep instead of staying awake, shivering, as usual.
When two ragamuffins stumble across a bookin the dust their world begins to change.The familiar becomes fantastical, themundane becomes magical, and a fracturedcommunity finds a focus.Set in a dreary, underprivileged, contemporaryworld, ...