Far from serving as a motor for development of indigenous communities , the drive to find and produce minerals was a principal motive for invasion of indigenous ... FINDING COMMON GROUND İX Foreword, Luke Danielson, MMSD Project Director.
Tim Downs suggests practical ways for today's Christians to cultivate fruitful relationships in our communities, and bring our troubled culture the healing it needs so much.
Written as a series of back-and-forth exchanges, this engaging book illustrates a model of civil debate between those with substantial, principled differences.
Howard Thurman's book on community. In this book, Thurman calls us at once to affirm our own identity, but then to look behind that identity to that which we have in common with all life.
This volume promotes constructive dialogue among the basic methodological positions in organizational communication today. Three essays discuss the concept of common ground from interpretive, post-positivist, and critical vantage points.
Is physician-assisted suicide different from refusal of treatment? Are there alternatives to assisted suicide? How useful are currently available guidelines for physician-assisted suicide? Who should have access to what?
The first chapter of this enlightening book diagnoses contemporary problems of governance in natural resources policy and in the United States generally, then introduces community-based initiatives as responses to those problems.
Cory Booker chose to live in the projects of blighted Newark, NJ, and on food stamps, to better understand the experience of poor families.
Lincoln , Gettysburg Address , http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/gadd/gtran.html . 50. Meister , Forgiving and Forgetting , 140 . 51. Paloma Aguilar , “ Justice , Politics , and Memory in the Spanish Transition , ” in The Politics of Memory ...
In the 1990s, influenced by the deconstructionist movement in literary theory and trends toward revisionist history, a cadre of academics and historians led by William Cronon began raising provocative questions...
Representing the best of cutting-edge scholarship in First World War studies, this anthology demonstrates how conversations among historians across international and cross-disciplinary boundaries enhances our understanding of this global ...