A detailed study of Ipswich at a time of great growth and prosperity, highlighting the activities of its industries, merchants and craftsmen.
A Cultural History of Media in the Middle Ages (forthcoming). Jones, K., Gender and Petty Crime in Late Medieval England. The Local Courts in Kent, 1460–1560 (Woodbridge, 2006). Jones, R., and Page, M., 'Characterizing rural settlement ...
Ceramic chronology for Anglo-Saxon and early medieval Ipswich Period Dates Pottery Early Middle Saxon 600–700 CE Handmade pottery Middle Saxon 700–850/880 CE Ipswich Ware and continental imports Early Late Saxon 850/880–900 CE Thetford ...
Five years later Edward III recognized Bruce as King of Scotland . ... The list reminds us that even the larger towns of late medieval England like Ipswich were small in population and physical size by modern standards and lay among ...
A biography of John Baret is contained in G. M. Gibson , The Theater of Devotion : East Anglian Drama and Society in the Late Middle Ages ( London , 1989 ) , pp . 72-9 . ... 129 SRO Ipswich , FC 62 / C1 / 1 and FC 62 / L1 / 2 .
Both smithies at Hamwic, as I have noted, were located on the major north–south street. ... 29 As Hamwic shows, trade and industrial ironwork did not invariably go together. ... 25 Andrews, Excavations at Hamwic, p. 225.
... A., and Arnott, G. 2010 'Seeing and believing: the use of virtual models of historic churches', Historic Churches 17, 27–31 Goddard, R. 2004 Lordship and medieval urbanisation: Coventry 1043–1355, Royal Historical Society/Boydell, ...
This volume presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of animal bones that were recovered from sixteen sites in Ipswich between 1974 and 1988.
For studies of small towns, see Bailey, 'A tale of two towns'; Dyer, Bromsgrove; Hilton, 'Small town and urbanization'; Postles, 'An English small town'; Dyer, 'Small towns 1270–1540'; Dyer, 'Small places'; Lee, 'The functions and ...
derecho islámico: el Llibre de la çuna e xara dels moros (Córdoba: Universidad de Córdoba, Área de Estudios Árabes e ... For an interpretation, see A. Echevarria, 'Catherine of Lancaster, the Castilian Monarchy and Coexistence', ...
29 Passmore, 'Medieval black Briton found'; 'Historical Ipswich skeleton finally identified'. 30 Register of Edward the Black Prince, IV, 10. 31 Ormrod, 'John Mandeville', pp. 335–6. 32 Fogle, 'Jewish Converts', p. 212.