Ilse Crawford is always breaking new ground in her study of the individual's search for the perfect home. Continuing the theme of 'one eye sees, the other feels' from her previous book, Sensual Home, this book moves beyond to an investigation of our basic human drives for survival, safety, love, respect and self-fulfillment.
he problem with the old - fashioned 1,300square - foot New York City apartment of the Tom McHugh family was not its size , it was that the apartment's space was inefficiently laid out . By removing four partition walls , architect ...
... hand - loomed rugs • hankies • hemp • herbs • Hoosier cabinets hutches • indigenous plants • ivy - colored walls • kindred spirits • lanterns • lighthouses • manual typewriters • Mission furniture • moss • • moss • mudrooms • muslin ...
Politically, they are provinces of France. This illustrated book offers a view of these islands - the opulent world of the French Creole aristocracy that influenced the Island taste and cultural life.
... 28 t Lambros Photography Inc ; 28 b Tim Street - Porter ; 29 Peter Murdock ; 30 Paul Whicheloe ; 31 Oberto Gili ; 32 t Tim Beddow ; 32 c Pieter Estersohn ; 32 b Tria Giovan ; 33 Jonathan Wallen ; 35 I Victoria Pearson ; 35 c Jeff ...
Beginnings of Interior Environments
The text includes quotes from the designers, and personal anecdotes from their associates and taste-makers of the day.
Inspiring Ideas and Practical Techniques for Making Your House Your Home Reader's Digest Editors ... R35 2001 747 — dc21 2001019611 Reader's Digest and the Pegasus logo are registered trademarks of The Reader's Digest Association ...
Highlighting eight different lifestyles, this text uses photographs to show exactly how to achieve each look.
Boston : Little , Brown & Co. , 1990 . The New England Colonial , Anne Elizabeth Powell . New York : Bantam , 1988 . The Town House , American Design , Chippy Irvine and Joe Viesti . New York : Bantam , 1988 . Country Antiques at Home ...