Organised spread by spread, this book looks at the key moments in history when human endeavour has created a breakthrough. Every aspect of human invention is covered, from science to holidays, toys to cigarettes, cars to crosswords. The prime firsts of each subject sit alongside 'timelines' of the most relevant 'first' events after the invention, illustrated with the adverts that made them famous and the earliest designs for each article. This provides complete portraits of the evolution of some of the most integral parts of our lives today, from computers to the humble cup of tea. the first photograph - the first bikini - the first printed book - the first organ transplant - the first fax - the first credit card - the first calculator - the first computer - the first teabag - the first CD - the first hamburger - the first flight across the Channel - the first telephone call - the first fountain pen - the first television - the first vacuum cleaner - the first website - the first mobile phone - the first crossword - the first film - the first teddy bear - the first pop group - the first cloned sheep - the first stamp - the first parachute jump - the first record - the first skyscraper - the first firework...
The well-respected public television journalist presents a series of one-on-one interviews with leading scientists, writers, artists, philosophers, and historians that outline the pressing problems America will face in the future
" Rares sont les livres doués du pouvoir d'inspirer au lecteur cette prise de conscience que l'on appelle un sentiment de révélation ", écrivait WILLIAM STYRON à la parution de The Cunning of Histbry (La Perfidie de l'Histoire).
Western Heritage ; 2,Study Guide, Workbook
The Western Heritage to 1715: Study Guide/workbook
Shares a year's worth of daily readings on topics of popular culture ranging from art and literature to consumer products and sports.
Entellektüelin kutsal kitabı
11 Flaubert and the Aesthetics of the Antibourgeois -- 12 The Apocalyptic Imagination: Nietzsche, Sorel, Schmitt -- 13 The Tragic Liberalism of Isaiah Berlin -- 14 Leo Strauss on Philosophy as a Way of Life -- 15 The Political Teaching of ...
The Open Access version of this book, available at https: //, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.
How They Changed Our Lives Reader's Digest Association. INSANITY : CONSTRAINTS TO CURES Many cultures once accepted the and to attempt treatment on a rational harmlessly insane as special people , for basis . In 1793 the French doctor ...
Russian Foreign Policy in the Near Abroad and Beyond , 197 Karen Dawisha , Current History , October 1996 . With the collapse of the Soviet empire , questions now arise regarding Russia's relationship with the newly independent states ...