Uses computer modelling to demonstrate how unchecked growth on our finite planet will lead the Earth towards ecological disaster unless rapid readjustment of the global economy is made.
In The Limits to Growth Revisited, Ugo Bardi examines both the science and the polemics surrounding this work, and in particular the reactions of economists that marginalized its methods and conclusions for more than 30 years. “The Limits ...
New York: Universe Books, [1972].
... see also Tobin tax flood 8, 17, 22, 54–8, 112, 125 forcing functions 13, 83, 171, 194 fossil fuel 15–17, 51–8, 112, 159, 177–9 Frostburg Grows 128–9 Fukushima 55 genome ... Bhavik R. 129 Black, Fischer 185 Boltzmann, 216 Subject Index.
Beyond the Limits: Global Collapse Or a Sustainable Future
This anthology provides an historical overview of the scientific ideas behind environmental prediction and how, as predictions about environmental change have been taken more seriously and widely, they have affected politics, policy, and ...
Forty years ago, The Limits to Growth study addressed the grand question of how humans would adapt to the physical limitations of planet Earth. It predicted that during the first...
The story behind the reckless promotion of economic growth despite its disastrous consequences for life on the planet.
Scrutinizes the technical aspects and ideological background of the MIT world models on the future of mankind
It was from this meaning of the word that much later, in 1749, Gottfried Achenwall coined the German noun “Statistik,” which then for well over a hundred years was used with this particular meaning of dealing with matters of the state.
At a time when contemporary challenges seem to many to be insurmountable, this book offers an optimistic view of the future and provides a road map for societies to get there.