This is the second, greatly expanded edition of one of the world's most successful books on negotiation. 'Getting to Yes' offers powerful principles to guide readers to success in the art of negotiation.
For undergraduate and graduate level management courses.
For undergraduate and graduate courses in labor relations and collective bargaining.Bring your best case to the table by putting theory into practice with this guide to labor relations, unions, and collective bargaining.Labor Relations and ...
Report of a Court of Inquiry Under Lord Pearson Into the Dispute Between the British Steel Corporation and Certain of...
A proposal for a European regulation on transnational collective bargaining, Den Haag: Boom J uridische Uitgevers. Franklin, D. (2008) 'Just good business', The Economist, 17 January 2008. Gumbrell—McCormick, R. (2000a) 'Quel ...
Frankfurt am Main : Otto Brenner Stiftung Rubinstein , Saul , Michael Bennett , and Thomas Kochan . 1993. " The Saturn Partnership : Co - Management and the ... Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation , Cornell University . Shire , Karen . 1995.
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Demographic Trends in Higher Education: Collective Bargaining and Forced Unionism?
Sindicalismo, estabilización económica y política de rentas: la experiencia europea
From Rhodesia to Zimbabwe: African Resistance to European Rule Since UDI.
Skills with Workplace Negotiation: Opening the Door to an Effective Workplace