More than four hundred years after his death, Sir Francis Drake remains one of the legendary figures of history. His attacks on Spanish cities and ships transformed his private war into a struggle for survival between Protestant England and Catholic Spain. His exploits marked the emergence of England as a major maritime nation.
Drake was namedforLord JohnRussell's son,Francis, who was his godfather. The head ofthe family atthe timeofDrake's birth was John Drake, his grandfather. Edmund, father ofFrancis Drake, was thesecondof at least three sons living and ...
A Full Relation of another Voyage into the West Indies made by Sir Francis Drake accompanied with Sir John Hawkins , Sir Thomas Baskerfield , Sir Nicholas Clifford ... In Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage , 1577-1580 .
Sir Francis Drake is a non-fiction book written by Julian Stafford Corbett and published in 1890. The book is a biography of Sir Francis Drake, an English explorer, navigator, and...
Captures the heroic quality and genius that set Drake apart. Portrayed as a deeply religious disciplinarian who cared more about the glory of England than about personal gain.
Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Sir Francis Drake Commission Norman Joseph William Thrower ... Angesting CA Doming Arapie IVCA EN : Cara TANK OCCIDENS | 290 240 260 o 1290 RIB 340 Parasti માયતી E QVI NOVA OY an NEA MAR ...
Highlights the life of the famous English explorer.
Le Voyage de Messire François Drake Chevalier , aux Indes Occidentales L'An M.D. LXXXV ... Avecq Cartes Geographiques de Tout . ... 9 A Summarie and True Discourse of Sir Frances Drakes West Indian Voyage . Richard Field , 1589 .
Reproduction of the original.
Francis Drake assured his place in history when, in his lone ship the Golden Hind, he sailed the Pacific to become the first Englishman to circumnavigate the globe. Drake the...
... an imprint of The Salariya Book Company Ltd 25 Marlborough Place , Brighton BNI IUB ISBN : 978-1-912904-08-2 SALARIYA SCRIBO BOOK HOUSE SCRIBBLERS Artist : David Antram was born in Brighton , England , in 1958.