He has cooked for prime ministers, ousted Hollywood actresses from his restaurants, set records for cursing on television, and changed the way Britain eats. As famous for his volatile persona as he is for his cooking, Gordon Ramsay remains London’s most talked-about chef, an international sensation whose eponymous restaurant boasts three Michelin stars. And with his hit television show,Hell’s Kitchen,Ramsay is now a household name in the US. At 18, Ramsay was a professional soccer player; at 30, he was a multi-millionaire. So how did he end up in the kitchen? In this, the first biography of the star chef, Neil Simpson offers a fresh perspective on one of the most driven and successful men in Britain.
Chloe Daniels doesn't need a man--after escaping a marriage gone bad, she guards her heart as closely as the details of her past.
The Marine Makes His Match - Victoria Pade When it comes to relationships, Kinsey Madison has one rule: no military men.
Simple, his friend replied: They changed the entire menu the day after Wells's first visit, reinvented it overnight, so that there was no chance he would have to repeat a single dish. Nate's head started to spin.
Not a sausage. That is what Gordon Ramsay had when he started out as a chef, working 16-hour days, 6 days a week.
Not a sausage. That is what Gordon Ramsay had when he started out as a chef, working 16-hour days, 6 days a week.
Not a sausage. That is what Gordon Ramsay had when he started out as a chef, working sixteen-hour days, six days a week.
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CINDERELLA: HIRED BY THE PRINCE Marion Lennox Struggling cook Jenny buries her sensible side and swaps blueberry muffins for the wide open sea when gorgeous stranger Ramón offers her a job on his yacht.
Getting it Now!
The first instalment of an epic multi-generational saga about an Anglo-Italian family that founds a restaurant dynasty by award-winning restaurateur Prue Leith.