Fashioning Film Stars brings together work by established and emerging scholars in the field of film costume and star studies, to address the significance of the relationships between fashion, dress and star image. While studies of individual stars have often commented on the importance of style to the construction of their persona, such work has until now remained largely focused upon the female Hollywood, or occasionally European, star. This scholarly and readable volume redresses that balance, offering close analyses of the detail and significance of male and female star style in Hollywood. European, Asian and Latin American contexts. It brings together a range of theoretical and methodological frameworks from textual analysis, archival research and audience study to offer, for the first time, a detailed consideration of the importance of the fashioning of film stars. Fashioning Film Stars asks: how does dress operate in relation to stardom to articulate particular identities - gendered, national, classed, ethnic, sexual? How, precisely, does film costume operate, and how is it understood, semiotically, socially, culturally? Does star dress 'disappear' against the body as 'clothes', or speak out performatively as 'costume' or 'spectacle'? It answers them in an engaging and accessible volume which will be of interest to film scholars and film fans alike.
Garcés, Isabel, 24, 31, 61–3, 64, 65, 204 Garcés, Marcela, 98; and Francisco Fernández de Alba, 209n3 García Berlanga, Luis: and El verdugo, 100, 103–5, 106, 120, 217n3; and Vivan los novios, 105–6; and Moros y cristianos, 114; ...
Emphasising the importance of the co-existence or interaction between these intertextual sites, Rank star Maureen ... role played by film stars in fashioning the ideal female image emphasises the 'contrast between contemporary consumer ...
125. 5 Ibid. 6 Ibid. 7 Drake Stutesman, 'Storytelling: Marlene Dietrich's face and John Frederics' hats' in Fashioning Film Stars, Dress, Culture, Identity, ed. Rachel Moseley (London: British Film Institute, 2005), p. 50.
Fashioning. Spanish. Film. Stars. Balenciaga. and. Conchita. Montenegro. Jorge Pérez Conchita Montenegro (1911–2007) was by the 1940s a global film star at the peak of her career, making her persona the ideal platform from which to ...
In Hindi film, stars and fashion are effortlessly elided. Stars are consumers of fashion in all aspects of their professional and everyday lives. Acting in films is one among several activities to which stars devote themselves; ...
Costume, Gender and Identity in the World of 007 Llewella Chapman. Drazin , Charles. ... The Many Lives of James Bond: How the creators of 007 have decoded the superspy . ... Geographies, Genders and Geopolitics of James Bond .
Eugenia Paulicelli, Italian Style: Fashion & Film from Early Cinema to the Digital Age (London: Bloomsbury Academics: ... Contemporary Costume Film: Space, Place and the Past (London: BFI, 2004); Fashioning Film Stars: Dress, Culture, ...
Gwen does think about having children (Slow Decay) and is apparently using birth control at this time. See Andy Lane, Slow Decay (London: BBC Books, 2007). 23. Many will assert that these novels are not ...
Screen Style: Fashion and Femininity in 1930s Hollywood. ... Undressing Cinema: Cloth- ingand Identity in the Movies. London: Routledge, 1997. Cowie, Elizabeth. ... In Fashioning Film Stars: Dress, Culture, Identity, ed.
Nevertheless, stardom is, to cite Richard Dyer, “always mediated by and in ideology” (Stars 20). ... As Rachel Moseley aptly notes in her introduction to Fashioning Film Stars: Dress, Culture, Identity, some of the new work “relies much ...