Includes: The national Intelligence model: early implementation experience in three police force areas.
This report, commissioned under the second round of the Targeted Policing Initiative, presents the findings of a 21-month study of early experiences of implementation of the National Intelligence Model (NIM).
Building on the work of Mathieu Deflem, Bayer recognizes the particular advantage that the police enjoy by virtue of their professional autonomy and relative independence from the centers of political decision-making. (Quoted From Defense ...
Weisburd, David, Shawn Bushway, Cynthia Lum and Sue-Ming Yang. 2004. 'Trajectories of crime at places: A longitudinal study of street segments in the City of Seattle.' Criminology 42 (2):283–321. Weisburd, David and John Eck. 2004.
This book introduces intelligence-led policing, and explains how it uses strategic management of police, planning of enforcement, a focus on frequent and serious offenders, and data analysis and crime intelligence to respond to crime.
Expanded by three chapters, this edition emphasises intelligence products, risk and threat assessments, and the unfolding complications of intelligence sharing.
Part of a new series on evidence-based policing, this book is the first to offer a comprehensive, fully up-to-date account of how police can--and do--use intelligence, assessing the threats and opportunities presented by new digital ...
Langford, A., Dean, J., Rooed, R., Holmes, D., Weyers, J. and Jones, A. (2005) Practical Skills in Forensic Science. London: Pearson. Latour, B. (1987) Science in Action: How to Follow Scientists and Engineeers through Society.
Building on the work of Mathieu Deflem, Bayer recognizes the particular advantage that the police enjoy by virtue of their professional autonomy and relative independence from the centers of political decision-making.
This book explains how improvements in intelligence analysis can bene!t policing.
"The Blue Planet: Informal International Police Networks and National Intelligence," makes a powerful argument for why the United States needs to make better use of its federal law enforcement agencies abroad as an integral part of our ...