Arranged by body system, provides at-a-glance help for recognizing symptoms of ailments, ranging from the common cold to chronic fatigue syndrome, and understanding causes and treatments.
Alphabetically arranged entries offer illustrated articles on anatomy, health care, diseases, conditions, and physiology.
This is an A-Z reference guide to over 5000 medical terms including symptoms, diseases, drugs and treatments. Since the appearance of the first edition in 1990, significant developments have occured in many areas of medicine.
Bma Complete Family Health Encyclopedia.
In N. C. Shealy (Ed.), The illustrated encyclopedia of healing remedies (pp. 76–103). Boston: Element. Sullivan, K. (1999). The complete family guide to natural home remedies: Safe and effective treatments for common ailments.
This encyclopedia includes significant medical advances. It provides an A-Z reference to over 7000 medical terms, including symptoms, diseases, drugs and treatments.
Affected people are incontinent, require feeding, and respond at most with a whispered “yes” or “no”. myalgia Medical term for muscle pain. myalgic encephalomyelitis Also known as ME, an alternative name for chronic fatigue syndrome.
Family Health Guide and Medical Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia of Family Health & First Aid
The Complete Family Home Health Encyclopedia: The Comprehensive Guide to the Whole Family's Health Needs
The New Illustrated Medical Encyclopedia and Guide to Family Health