As the father of cinematic Surrealism, extensive critical attention has been devoted to Luis Buñuel's cinema. Much has been written about his first Surrealist films of the 1920s and 1930s and the French art movies of the 1960s and 1970s. However, here for the first time is a queer re-reading of Buñuel's Spanish-language films allowing us to view Buñuel's cinema through a lens of queer spectatorship. Focusing on the films Buñuel produced in Mexico and Spain during the 1950s and 1960s, Julián Daniel Gutiérrez-Albilla argues not that Buñuel's films have a homosexual subplot, but that there are multiple forms of identity, subjectivity and sexuality present in these films.
Queering Buñuel brings together the fields of film studies, feminist and queer theory, Hispanic studies, psychoanalysis and art theory. Gutiérrez-Albilla succeeds in reconceptualizing Buñuel's Mexican and Spanish films beyond geographical, historical and disciplinary boundaries, questioning not just how we see Buñuel, but also how we see cinema.
Focusing on the films Bunuel produced in Mexico and Spain during the 1950s and 1960s, Julian Daniel Gutierrez-Albilla argues not that Bunuel's films have a homosexual subplot, but that there are mu.
... Buñuel formed a close friendship with a Mexican priest , Father Julián , whom many considered to be ' odd ' , implying that he was gay . If that were true , she adds , she might as well believe that Buñuel too was gay , given his ...
(1988) French Film Theory and Criticism: 1907-1929. ... (1995) Mists of Regret: Culture and Sensibility in Classic French Film. ... Balazs, B. (2010 [1924]) Early Film Theory: Visible Man and the Spirit of Film, ed. E. Carter and trans.
... Buñuel scholars and memoirs detailing the experience of location scouting and shooting with Buñuel, written by his ... Queering Buñuel (2008) as the title suggests, strives to re-read such canonical films as Los olvidados and Viridiana ...
... Buñuel's Los olvidados was recently published in the Hispanic Research Journal and another article on contemporary queer visual arts was recently published in Angelaki: A Journal of the Theoretical Humanities. His book, Queering Buñuel ...
The A to Z of German Cinema by Robert C. Reimer and Carol J. Reimer, 2010. The A to Z of German Theater by William Grange, 2010. The A to Z of Irish Cinema by Roderick Flynn and Patrick Brereton, 2010. The A to Z ofModern Chinese ...
Directors such as Bresson, Dreyer, Bergman, and Buñuel fall between the cracks of film studies and religious studies ... between Christian film viewers and humanist filmmakers.33 Thirdly, in Cinema, Religion, and the Romantic Legacy, ...
Iberian Queer Cinema Andrés Lema-Hincapié, Conxita Domènech. Monaco, Lorenzo. ... “A Short History of Superimposition: From Spirit Photography to Early Cinema. ... “Film Theory and Music Theory: On the Intersection of Two Traditions.
... group discussions can result in some participants feeling inhibited in responding or feeling pressurised to follow a group consensus, as well as introducing other relational factors (see Barker and Brooks 1998: 21; Schrøder et al.
... scandals and the buried cultural memory of Francoism. The Beast is portrayed straight out of Goya as a goat that walks upright. He has selected a symbol of global capitalism and Spanish European integration called the Puerta de Europa ...