Sometimes you want to write, but you don't know what to write about. Sometimes you know what to write about, but not how to make it work. This book will bring you a year's advice and inspiration to move your writing forward. Each two-page spread opens with learning points and advice, followed by interesting exercises to help you put this into practice. In 365 days you'll learn to: - create believable characters - write realistic dialogue - let your reading improve your writing - use personal experience to inspire fiction find the factors that get a story going - choose the right tense and person for your stories - show, rather than tell - work out which writing rules really matter - and follow them
"Are you ready to challenge your creativity and improve your writing and conceptual skills?
358 KEEP A NATURE JOURNAL Express your love of nature by keeping a journal. Buy a decorated blank book, or just write in a plain notebook. Either way, make sure you like the journal and can carry it easily. Find somewhere comfortable to ...
1 Choose to Think Happy Thoughts If you want to find happiness and add years to your life, think happy thoughts. When you choose positive thoughts over negative ones, you are more likely to develop an optimistic outlook on life.
Filled with words, phrases and spiritual inspiration, this book sparks the writer to write on the blank page - anytime. Each prompt is on a separate page to offer you the opportunity to write, draw or color right in the book.
... up Fairytales by Hillary Robinson and Nick Sharratt. ♢ Big Bad Wolf is Good by Simon Puttock. ♢ The Pea and the Princess by Mini Grey (told from the pea's point of view!). ♢ Snow White and the Seven Aliens by Laurence Anholt.
9780738739304, 360 pp., 5 x 7 To order, call 1877NEWWRLD Prices subject to change without notice Order at 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 365 Ways to Attract Good Luck Simple Steps to Take.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of all the different kinds of crime fiction, with examples from successful contemporary writers in each of the different genres, and clear explanations and...
... heart by pretending to be someone he's not'; The Pier by Jay Basu and David Bowers – a family action adventure in ... What if I have a great idea for a series of 30minute dramas, and don't think the stories will stretch to an hour?
Also published by Constable & Robinson Masterclasses in Creative Writing 365 Ways to Get You Writing Get Writing Children's Fiction The Five-Minute Writer How To Write Your First Novel How To Write Comedy How To Write Short Stories for ...
The aim of this book is to get you writing.