This new edition of extracts from the extremely candid diaries of Churchill's doctor Lord Moran, his devoted friend and confidant, contains material not previously revealed. It sheds a new light on how the great man faced up to and absorbed the strain of events during the war years, the tremendous burden of his responsibilities, and his extraordinary resolution. Moran's keen observation, sensitivity, truth and insight, are brought to bear on Churchill's conduct and personality. We hear of the weaknesses as well as the strengths: his rages, his jokes and salty comments, his occasional foolishness, his rare cattiness (of Attlee: 'He has a great deal to be modest about') and endearing playfulness, are all captured. Moran was not just an acute observer of his most famous patient. At Churchill's side, he was able to record remarkable details of other world figures, and the historic events in which Churchill played so momentous a part.
本书作者以详实权威的资料为基础, 再现了周恩来具有传奇性的一生, 分析了他的性格, 气质和他的工作作风, 以及他给新中国成立和发展带来的巨大影响.
Golda Meir
The Man of Firsts: Lee Kuan Yew
Tun Abdul Razak: bapa pembangunan Malaysia
Pierre Petit Lereau. Angĕlique Lereau. Marie Lereau, Pierre Lereau, Renĕ Lereau, Simon Lerouge, Jeanne Saint-Denis Lerouge, Pierre LeRoy, Catherine LeRoy, Jeanne LeRoy. Marguerite pieuj-j aqjeg auiappew anbsaAa-| uiiuoeor auay uieiadeuo ...
Wilfrid Laurier: œuvrer pour l'unité du Canada
Helmut Kohl
This is the first fully comprehensive biography of Zhou to appear in the West. Dick Wilson has been collecting information on Zhou ever since his first encounter with the Chinese Premier in 1960.
周恩来: 不倒翁波瀾の生涯