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Luisa Wolter examines the travel motivations and interests of natural park visitors to Mallorca with a special focus on sustainable tourism development.
Aspects of Tourism, 4: Natural Area Tourism : Ecology, Impacts and Management
Ross K. Dowling, Dr. Susan A. Moore. communities. Environmental Conservation 29(3), 282–9. ... Sherwood, B., Cutler, D. and Burton, J. (2002) Wildlife and Roads: The Ecological Impact. Imperial College Press: London, UK.
Bates , G. ( 2002 ) Environmental Law in Australia . ... Bell , G.W. , Hejl , S.J. and Varner , J. ( 1990 ) Proportional use of substrates by foraging birds : Model considerations on first sightings and subsequent observations .
This book will be of great interest to students and scholars in tourism, geography, anthropology, sociology, environmental studies, and natural resources management.
Tourism remains the world's most significant growth industry, and is a lifeline to the future for many developing countries. But there is often an environmental price to be paid for...
This volume discusses the complex relationship between Protected Areas and tourism and their impact on community livelihoods in a range of countries in Southern Africa.
'This book tackles the two edge sword of non consumptive wildlife tourism: on net does it add to or detract from species conservation?
Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected Areas: The State of Nature-based Tourism Around the World and Guidelines for Its Development
This book was originally published as a special issue of the journal Tourism Geographies.