Natural Area Tourism provides an authoritative and comprehensive account of tourism in natural, wild and protected areas. The second edition contains an overview of key literature and new developments that have emerged since the publication of the first edition more than a decade ago. Accordingly, this book will remain an invaluable resource and review of the subject for many years to come.
Ross K. Dowling, Dr. Susan A. Moore. communities. Environmental Conservation 29(3), 282–9. ... Sherwood, B., Cutler, D. and Burton, J. (2002) Wildlife and Roads: The Ecological Impact. Imperial College Press: London, UK.
Luisa Wolter examines the travel motivations and interests of natural park visitors to Mallorca with a special focus on sustainable tourism development.
This report tells how to ensure that tourism follows a sustainable path and that it contributes to the sustainable management of protected areas.
Guidelines: Development of National Parks and Protected Areas for Tourism
The natural state: Nature-based tourism and ecotourism accreditation in Tasmania, Australia. Journal of Quality Assurance in ... Moving beyond visitor satisfaction to loyalty in nature-based tourism: A review and research agenda.
All people who enter a park have an impact. Therefore, it is important to know the total number of people entering a park. However, not all people entering a park are doing so for recreational or cultural purposes.
'This book tackles the two edge sword of non consumptive wildlife tourism: on net does it add to or detract from species conservation?
Tourism, Ecotourism, and Protected Areas: The State of Nature-based Tourism Around the World and Guidelines for Its Development
This volume discusses the complex relationship between Protected Areas and tourism and their impact on community livelihoods in a range of countries in Southern Africa.
Tourism remains the world's most significant growth industry, and is a lifeline to the future for many developing countries. But there is often an environmental price to be paid for...