This book is the first authored overview of resilience in tourism and its relationship to the broader resilience literature. The volume takes a multi-scaled approach to examine resilience at the individual, organisation and destination levels, and with respect to the wider tourism system. It covers the different approaches to understanding resilience (the ecological and engineering approaches) and identifies issues with their understanding and application. The book connects issues of resilience to related key concepts such as vulnerability, adaptation, networks, systems, change and social capital. It is designed to be an upper level undergraduate and postgraduate primer on resilience in a tourism context and will be of interest to tourism researchers in planning, development, geography, impacts, sustainability, disaster management and environmental studies.
L'émigration française vers Jersey, 1850–1950. Aix-en-Provence: Publications de ... From outpost to outport: A structural analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé Cod Fishery, 1767–1886. ... Les Écréhous and Les Dirouilles Ramsar management plan.
Drawing on original empirical and theoretical insights in resilience thinking, this book explores how tourism communities and economies respond to environmental changes, both fast (natural hazard disasters) and slow (incremental shifts).
This book calls for rethinking the meaning of sustainable development in tourism and explores how sustainability and resilience could be integrated.
"This book offers international perspectives on the economic, social, geopolitical, and environmental implications of COVID-19 on tourism, an unprecedented situation for this sector.
This book examines the authentication of authenticity in heritage tourism by using a resilient smart systems approach.
This book will appeal to a wide range of research disciplines and students whose modules focus on the relationship between tourism and sustainability planning, governance, the environment, and hazards and disasters.
Conservation tourism is dependent on a destination's conservation estate – that is, its conservation-worthy biodiversity, geodiversity and cultural history attributes – as well as how that destination is managed within the broader ...
This book offers international perspectives on the economic, social, geopolitical, and environmental implications of COVID-19 on tourism, an unprecedented situation for this sector.
This book is essential for family firms, hotel management, entrepreneurs, restaurateurs, tourism professionals, academicians, researchers, and students seeking the most advanced research on family firm’s resilience and risk management ...
From tsunami to recovery: The resilience of the Sri Lankan tourism industry. In B. Ritchie & K. Campiranon (Eds.), Tourism crisis and disaster management in the Asia-Pacific (pp. 132–148). Wallingford: CABI.