Cultural heritage is one of the most important tourism resources in the world. This book provides a comprehensive theoretical overview and applied knowledge of the issues, practices, current debates, concepts and management concerns associated with cultural heritage-based tourism. The second edition has been updated to include timely and emerging topics such as geopolitics, conflict, solidarity tourism, overtourism and climate change. It also expands on important areas such as environmental change, technology, social media, heritage economics, Indigenous knowledge and co-created experiences. This edition includes up-to-date data, statistics, references, case material, figures and pedagogical tools. It remains an important and accessible text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of cultural and heritage tourism, cultural resource management, and museum management.
This volume develops frameworks that are useful tools for heritage managers, planners and policy-makers, researchers, and students in understanding the complexity of cultural heritage and tourism in the developing world.
This book also provides readers with global charters developed for promoting cultural tourism and for preserving heritage sites. Focus lies on ICOSM and WHC.
CORE CONCEPTS In all jurisdictions, cultural heritage management is the more widely recognized term, except in the United States, where cultural resource management is in common usage (Pearson and Sullivan 1995; Macintosh 1999).
Another innovative IVE project is one that uses images of ancient Buddhist religious art as a basis for the 'Pure Land: Augmented Reality Edition' application, resulting in presentations such as 'Pure Land. Inside the Mogao Grottoes at ...
Cultural tourism is not only a major industry but also a support for national identity and a means for preserving heritage.
Highlighting a range of topics including cultural tourism, community development, and tourism branding, this book is ideally designed for historians, city planners, curators, business professionals, educators, engineers, managers, tourism ...
... criticism in tour guide discourse at, 30, 36; natural disasters' effect on tourism/ tourist guides, 34—36, 37; positionality issues during tour, 33 private—sector tourism broker, 9 Programme for Belize (PfB), 239, 240 Project Roatan ...
In his study of visuality in the heritage tourism of Rhodes, Watson identifies a series of distinct affinities in the island's heritage, which are revealed by the visuality of its heritage and which ultimately seek to reveal and ...
E. Maggi and F. L. Fredella, “The Carrying Capacity of a Tourism Destination: The Case of a Coastal Italian City” (August 2010), citing G. McIntyre, “Sustainable Tourism Development: Guide for Local Planners” (1993), World Tourism ...
Cultural Tourism and the Mobilities Paradigm 18. Erasmus Students - the 'Ambassadors' of Cultural Tourism 19. Performing and Recording Culture: Reflexivity in Tourism Research 20. Cosmopolitanism and Hospitality 21. Hospitality 22.