This book focuses on knowledge-based economies and attempts to analyze dynamic innovation driven processes within those economies. It shows that evolutionary economics, and in particular the strand of applied industry and innovation studies often called Neo-Schumpeterian economics, has left the nursery of new academic approaches and is able to offer important insights for the understanding of socio-economic processes of change and development having a strong impact on economic reality all over the world. The contributions are summarized under four major sections knowledge and cognition, studies of knowledge-based industries, the geographical dimension of knowledge-based economies and measuring and modelling for knowledge-based economies and give a broad overview of the prolific research being undertaken in applied evolutionary economics. Students will find this book an invaluable resource for future research, as will researchers seeking an introduction to new methods and perspectives of analysis.
Introduction : applications of evolutionary economic geography Ron A. Boschma and Koen Frenken 1. INTRODUCTION Economic geography is the field of ... Second , the two theories differ in core assumptions regarding economic behaviour .
Perez C (2003) Technological revolutions and financial capital: The dynamics of bubbles and golden ages. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham. ... Porter M (1990) The competitive advantage of nations. Free Press: New York.
——and Child, J. (1988). 'The Iron Law of Fiefs: Bureaucratic Failure and the Problem of Governance in the Chinese Economic Reforms', Administrative Science Quarterly, 33: 507–27. ——and Cohen, J. (2000). 'Shall I compare Thee to.
The book also illustrates the potential of neo-Schumpeterian economics to overcome its so far self-imposed restriction to the domains of technology driven industry dynamics, and to become a comprehensive approach in economics suited for the ...
This book explores the question of whether and how meme theory or “memetics” can be fruitfully utilized in evolutionary economics and proposes an approach known as “economemetics” which is a combination of meme theory and complexity ...
territorial development might encourage universities to maximise local knowledge spillovers. ... This strengthened the role that universities played in the design of Smart Specialisation Strategies in Austria (OECD 2014).
'Knowledge Diffusion with Complex Cognition'. In Applied Evolutionary Economics and the Knowledge-based Economy, edited by A. Pyka and H. Hanusch. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Myrdal, G. 1957. Economic Theory and Underdeveloped Regions.
Starting from the physical sciences, applications have spread rapidly to the natural and social sciences, as well as to economics, and are now further extended, in this volume, to the concept of innovations, viewed broadly.
Boschma, R. and Martin, R. (2010) The aims and scope of evolutionary economic geography. In R. Boschma and R. Martin (eds), ... Pyka, A. and Hanusch, H. (eds) (2006) Applied Evolutionary Economics and the Knowledge-Based Economy.
This wide-ranging handbook studies and defines the paradigm of evolutionary economic geography.