Each summer, circulation staff in my library inventories a section of the stacks andbrings collection issues to the attention of appropriate bibliographers. Since I amresponsible for the economics collection, I see an array of government documents thathave managed to elude the cataloging process. Many of these titles are decades old, having squatted in the library undisturbed and uncirculated since our online catalogwas implemented in 1990.
- -Booklist "Faced with dwindling budgets, soaring subscription rates,...librarians can ill afford not to consult (indeed, to familiarize themselves with) this core collection development tool. - -Reference & Research Book News.
The School's Librarian
Quality Service: Proceedings of the 77th Annual Conference of the Scottish Library Association, Peebles 1991
Basic Research Methods for Librarians
... por otro , el escenario para un ejercicio de relaciones interpersonales desarrollado durante la entrevista o interview9 . ... Watzlawick , P .; Bavelas , J. B .; Jackson , D. D. Teoría de la comunicación humana , 9. ed . Barcelona .
반 면 거시 환경 요인 은 광범위 하고 포괄적 인 교육 , 정치 , 경제 , 문화 , 기술 , 물리적 환 경 등 을 들 수 있다 ( 김명옥 1995 ) . 도서관 · 정보 센터 의 경영 환경 은 다양 하다 . 수백 명의 직원 과 여러 개의 부서 , 여러 계층 의 경영자 를 ...
The attainment and sustenance of quality edge by business organizations depend solely on the practices of TQM.
Powell's name appears first on the previous edition.
Reviewing the best publications for all serials collections since 1969.
... CAMBIO PROFESIONAL EN EL PERSONAL DE LAS BIBLIOTECAS UNIVERSITARIAS Hoy en día todos los gestores saben que los empleados de una organización son las llaves para su éxito o para su fracaso . Para que el cambio en la biblioteca se pueda ...