Engineers have a range of sophisticated techniques at their disposal to evaluate the condition of reinforced concrete structures and non-destructive evaluation plays a key part in assessing and prioritising where money should be spent on repair or replacement of structurally deficient reinforced concrete structures. Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 2: Non-destructive testing methods reviews the latest non-destructive testing techniques for reinforced concrete structures and how they are used. Part one discusses planning and implementing non-destructive testing of reinforced concrete structures with chapters on non-destructive testing methods for building diagnosis, development of automated NDE systems, structural health monitoring systems and data fusion. Part two reviews individual non-destructive testing techniques including wireless monitoring, electromagnetic and acoustic-elastic waves, laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, acoustic emission evaluation, magnetic flux leakage, electrical resistivity, capacimetry, measuring the corrosion rate (polarization resistance) and the corrosion potential of reinforced concrete structures, ground penetrating radar, radar tomography, active thermography, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, stress wave propagation, impact-echo, surface and guided wave techniques and ultrasonics. Part three covers case studies including inspection of concrete retaining walls using ground penetrating radar, acoustic emission and impact echo techniques and using ground penetrating radar to assess an eight-span post-tensioned viaduct. With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Non-destructive evaluation of reinforced concrete structures, Volume 2: Non-destructive testing methods is a standard reference for civil and structural engineers as well as those concerned with making decisions regarding the safety of reinforced concrete structures. Reviews the latest non-destructive testing (NDT) techniques and how they are used in practice Explores the process of planning a non-destructive program features strategies for the application of NDT testing A specific section outlines significant advances in individual NDT techniques and features wireless monitoring and electromagnetic and acoustic-elastic wave technology
Non-destructive Evaluation of Reinforced Concrete Structures: Non-destructive testing methods
This book proposes innovative ways to deal with this problem, through the characterization of concrete durability indicators by the use of non-destructive techniques.
This new edition includes multi-modal applications such as DIC, thermography, X-ray and in-situ implementations, all of which are helpful in better understanding feasibility and underlying challenges.
In this respect, the contents of this book will equally benefit practicing engineers and researchers who take part in characterization, assessment, evaluation and health monitoring of materials and structures.
This book was proposed and organized as a means to present recent developments in the field of nondestructive testing of materials in civil engineering.
Civil engineers will value this resource that examines the tools and techniques used to estimate the in-place strength on concrete, permeation properties that relate to potential durability, and the methods used to assess the internal ...
Moczko, A.T., Carino, N.J., Petersen, C.G.: CAPO-TEST to estimate concrete strength in bridges. ACI Mater. J. 113(6), 827–836 (2016) ... In: Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation of Civil Engineering Structures, Chap. 8, pp. 259–297.
This book contains classifications of NDT methods, examines their areas of usefulness in floor diagnostics, and explains the complementarity and reliability of NDT methods as well as the need to calibrate research equipment.
This book will be a useful reference for students, researchers and practitioners. This book comprises the proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Non Destructive Evaluation, (NDE 2019).
This book comprises the proceedings of the Conference and Exhibition on Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE 2020).