People dream of restoring an E-type, but many fail to complete their project after time or money run out. Do you REALLY need to spend tens of thousands of pounds? No – you can do it yourself for far less, provided your goal is a solid, presentable, and above all driveable car. If you are time rich but cash poor, this book is for you.
From development prototype to Geneva Motor Show star and 150mph road-test car, 9600 HP played a key role in the launch of the sensational Jaguar E-type.
This book on Jaguar E-type originality is based on research spanning almost five decades, and Drs.
This beautifully produced book contains a wealth of information and detailed photographs, gleaned from extensive research, providing an accurate reference source to originality for all production E-types - Series 1, 2 and 3.
Denis Jenkinson plots the car's development story and at the same time interlaces his own vast experience of two E Types with which he criss-crossed Europe over hundreds of thousands of miles.