Statistics are a vital skill for epidemiologists and form an essential part of clinical medicine. This textbook introduces students to statistical epidemiology methods in a carefully structured and accessible format with clearly defined learning outcomes and suggested chapter orders that can be tailored to the needs of students at both undergraduate and graduate level from a range of academic backgrounds. The book covers study design, disease measuring, bias, error, analysis and modelling and is illustrated with figures, focus boxes, study questions and examples applicable to everyday clinical problems. Drawing on the authors' extensive teaching experience, the text provides an introduction to core statistical epidemiology that will be a valuable resource for students and lecturers in health and medical sciences and applied statistics, health staff, clinical researchers and data managers.
... R., and Werthessen, N.T. (1964). A predictive study of coronary heart disease: The Western Collaborative Group Study. Journal of the American Medical Association 189, 15–22. Rosner, B., Spiegelman, D., and Willett, W.C. (1990).
Students, in general, struggle with statistical theories and their practical applications. This book makes statistical concepts easy to understand by focusing on real-life examples, case studies, and exercises.
This new third edition of BIOSTATISTICS AND EPIDEMIOLOGY serves as the roadmap to understanding these complex and important topics.
... epidemiology. Examples of ratios for epidemiological studies include risk ratio, odds ratio, and death-to- case ratio. Death-to-case ratio has been used in COVID-19 to ... Epidemiological Measures 79 3 Measures Used in Vital Statistics.
This book is an expanded version of the Kahn's widely used text, An Introduction to Epidemiologic Methods (Oxford, 1983).
Since the publication of the first edition, Biostatistics and Epidemiology has attracted loyal readers from across specialty areas in the biomedical community.
Two models in particular have dominated this field: the multistage model of Armitage and Doll (1954) and the two-event clonal-expansion model of Moolgavkar and Knudson (1981). For thorough reviews of this literature, see Whittemore and ...
Includes up-to-date references and recent developments in the field. Features many real examples, emphasising the practical nature of the book. Each chapter is self-contained, allowing the book to be used as a useful reference source.
Hills P, Argyle M. The Oxford Happiness Questionnaire: a compact scale for the measurement of psychological well-being. PersIndividDif. 2002;33(7):1073–1082. Sackett DL. Bias in analytic research. J Chron Dis. 1979;32(1-2):51–63.
FOREWORD As the title of the book indicates , I have attempted to present those biostatistical methods which are used in the analysis of epidemiological studies . For many reasons , this was a hazardous undertaking .