In Britannia's Daughters, bestselling novelist Joanna Trollope examines the contribution of women in building and sustaining the British Empire. She draws on a vast range of sources, including diaries and letters home. She provides a panoramic picture of the countless women who departed Britain for India, Australia, the Far East, Canada and Africa - often in search of opportunities unavailable at home. Here are penniless pioneers and governors' wives, missionaries and prostitutes, explorers and army nurses. They people this book as they peopled the Empire - their astonishing courage and endurance, their remarkable personal stories vividly and enthrallingly recaptured.
... Kirby in Cleveland , 86 Rochester , bishop of , see Pearce , Zachary ; Wilcocks , Joseph Rockingham , marquis of , see Watson - Wentworth , Charles Rodhill ( W. Riding ) , 167 Roebuck Low ( W. Riding ) , 130 Rogers , John , 98 n .
Features images which encourage readers to engage with curriculum topics - and text with a low reading level (age 7) that ensures that the concepts are accessible to struggling pupils.
Teaching history can be a real challenge - especially if pupils are really struggling with reading or are finding it difficult to get their heads around curriculum concepts.
The author recounts his childhood, education, and World War II experiences
Charles Aty is committed , and by my Lord Treasurer's warrant.37 Moved that one Sam Speed and the rest of the waiters may be sent for , and Richard Cutter , dwelling in Moorfields . George Langham entered into bond that if other paid he ...
29 Zouch to Fitzwilliam , 19 December , J. Preston , 21 December and S. Croft , 21 December 1783 ( F 34b ) ; Wyvill Papers , II , p . 289. Fitzwilliam had tried without success to persuade Weddell and Sir John Ramsden to second Foljambe ...
Bate , Jonathan . Shakespearean Constitutions : Politics , Theatre , Criticism , 1730– 1830. Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1989 . Battenhouse , Roy . “ Henry V as Heroic Comedy . ” In Essays on Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama in Honor of ...
Radical Artisan, William James Linton, 1812-97
A reference to the main aspects of the organisations and equipment of Britain's Army, Royal Navy and RAF, with diagrams and descriptions of the roles of each service, accompanied by...
Table 6.2 Estimates of poverty in the UK, 1950–75 Year Study Source Unit % of total Number population (million) 1950 Rowntree” Survey Household 1.7 Atkinson* 5.8 1953–4 Abel-Smith and Townsend FES Household 1.2 0.6 1954 Gough and Stark ...