Tinashe is a young Shona boy living in a small village in rural Rhodesia. The guerilla war of the late 1960s haunts the bushlands, but it only infrequently affects his quiet life; school, swimming in the river, playing with the other kids on the kopje. When his younger sister, Hazvinei, is born, Tinashe knows at once that there is something special about her. Their life in the village, once disturbed only by the occasional visits of his successful uncle and city cousin, Abel, now becomes entangled with the dual forces of the Shona spirit world and the political turmoil of the nation. As Tinashe, Hazvinei and Abel grow older, their destinies entangle in ways they never expected. Tinashe is prepared to follow his sister anywhere - but how far can he go to keep her safe when the forces threatening her are so much darker and more sinister than he suspected?Andrea Eames weaves together folklore and suspense in this compelling tale of a boy struggling to do the right thing in an unpredictable world.
One of Spain's richest men is dying.
Now , the mystery of Howard Hughes is finally revealed ... in his own words . The sensational New York Times Bestseller CITIZEN HUGHES He tried to buy the United States government but instead he brought it down .
Liebe auf den ersten Blick verbindet den einfachen Farmer Noah mit der reichen, verwöhnten Allie ein Leben lang. Auch Alter und Krankheit können ihrer Beziehung nichts anhaben
“ That's the first good piece of news you've given me . ” “ I'm sorry . ” " In fact , I'm feeling a little fragile already , ” Evan admitted . Victor didn't answer , but sat frozen to his chair . He'd been chainsmoking , he realized ...
She had a small glistening barrette on one side of her head , a circle of real diamonds and rubies . In a barrette ! Not from Wendy . A gift to herself . " Thanks ! You too . See , I told you . Isn't this fun ?
Courtney came out to the terrace wearing a pink skirt , a pink and white striped blouse , her hair caught back with a silver barrette . “ You do look tired , ” Fox told her . “ I'll be all right when I've had dinner . I missed lunch .
Cassie Simon is a struggling artist living in New York City.
On completing it, she thought she hadexorcised the ghosts of her imposing parents, but she had also brought form to abook every bit as vivid and intense as the work of Lily Briscoe, the indomitableartist at the centre of the novel.
Glamorous Sally loved to shop, and Audrey makes it her goal to get fit and slender enough to wear a green dress she finds in Sally's well-stocked closet. The biggest mystery is Sally's true love. Who was he, and why didn't Sally marry him?
It happens after Delia Byrd's new man dies in an accident, leaving her with a child. The novel describes the family's adjustment, including that of her teen daughters. By the author of Bastard Out of Carolina.