In a world where health systems collapse one after another. In a world where big pharmaceutical interests pull the strings of science and politics. In a world were charlatans promising marvelous cures abound. Who can you really trust? Yourself. Your judgement. The natural capacity of your body to heal. And the work of thousands of devoted mainstream and alternative health researchers who are not governed by ulterior motives or blindfolded by the innate limitations of the establishment. Every day, thousand of great medical opportunities are lost because they don't serve the established flow of money. Health is every man's birthright. And that's exactly why medicine should serve humanity and not the contrary. Pulp Med explores the demise of conventional medicine, reevaluates its fundamentals and highlights the potential for better and more humane mainstream and alternative therapies some of which are easy to access. There is always a better way, the right way.
PULP MEDICAL puts professional lifesavers and the hospitals and emergency rooms they staff in the spotlight...and in the crosshairs. Sometimes the patients aren't the only ones that need saving... PULP MEDICAL. From Pro Se Productions.
History of pulp biology / Harold Goodis -- Development of the pulpodentin complex / Rena D'Souza -- Dentin formation and repair in the adult / Anthony J. Smith -- Pulpodentin...
"Pathways of the Pulp" has been a market leader and book of choice in dental education and practice for many editions. The 8th edition has been completely revised and updated...
This new twelfth edition also boasts the very latest evidence-based research and techniques, reorganized and condensed chapters, plus other features designed to help you locate important information quickly and easily.
Svec T, Powers J: Effects of simulated clinical conditions on nickel-titanium rotary files. JEndod 25:759, 1999. Svec TA, Powers JM: A method to assess rotary nickeltitanium files. J Endod 26:517, 2000. Tan BT, Messer HH: The quality of ...
Edited by noted specialists Kenneth Hargreaves and Louis Berman, this book is the definitive resource in endodontics!
Jag har alltid kunnat lämna jobbet bakom mig för en värdefull paus när jag suttit på kökssoffan hemma i käraste Bullsäng och blivit ... som satte avhandlingen i ett annat perspektiv och fick mig att se på livet på ett helt nytt sätt.
For evidence-based endodontics research and treatment, this is your one-stop resource!
This book provides a detailed update on our knowledge of dental pulp and regenerative approaches to therapy. It is divided into three parts.
Endodontics. Lesions That Mimic Endodontic Pathosis Importance of Differential Diagnosis Limits ... American Dental Association moves forward on electronic standards: ADA News 30(15):A, 1999. 11. Anderson LC, Kosinski TF, ...