The first comprehensive and authoritative history of work and labour in Africa; a key text for all working on African Studies and Labour History worldwide.
The volume analyses key developments in the 20th century, such as the emergence of free wage labour; the transformation in labour relations; the role of capital and employers; labour agency and movements; the growing diversity of formal and ...
Intended for those interested in the African continent and the diversity of human history, this work looks at Africa's past and reflects on the changing ways it has been imagined and represented.
Chapters 17 to 20 describe the part of Africa later called the Magrhib and its Saharan hinterland. Chapters 21 to 29, the rest of Africa as well as some of the islands of the Indian Ocean.--Publisher's description
an African university ( London , 1973 ) , are valuable ; A. Cohen's study of the Freetown Creoles , The politics of élite ... to Africa's intelligentsia ; see especially his Political values and the educated class in Africa ( 1978 ) .
This volume takes a necessary interdisciplinary approach to these questions by bringing together perspectives from archaeology, linguistics, history, anthropology, political science, and economics.
203 204 Linden, “Historia do trabalho: o Velho, o Novo e o Global”, Revista Mundos do trabalho, 1 (2009), pp. 11–26. Other important methodological references are A. Lüdtke (ed.), The History of Everyday Life: Reconstructing Historical ...
"The book first places Africa in the context of world history at the opening of the seventh century, before examining the general impact of Islamic penetration, the continuing expansion of the Bantu-speaking peoples, and the growth of ...
A journey through the history of African popular culture from the seventeenth century to the present day.
The various manifestations of coerced labour between the opening up of the Atlantic world and the formal creation of Haiti.
"This volume covers the period from the end of the Neolithic era to the beginning of the seventh century of our era.