“These are thoughts for us all, sooner or later—and this is a book I'll keep with me, as long as I live.”—David Sexton, The Scotsman In 2008, art critic Tom Lubbock was diagnosed with a rare brain tumor and told he had only two years to live. Physically fit and healthy, and suffering from few symptoms, he faced his death with the same directness and courage that had marked the rest of his life. Lubbock was renowned for the clarity and unconventionality of his writing, and his characteristic fierce intelligence permeates this extraordinary chronicle. With unflinching honesty and curiosity, he repeatedly turns over the fact of his mortality, as he wrestles with the paradoxical question of how to live, knowing we’re going to die. Defying the initial diagnosis, Tom survived for three years. He savored his remaining days; engaging with books, art, friends, his wife and their young son, while trying to stay focused on the fact of his impending death. There are medical details—he vividly describes the slow process of losing control over speech as the tumor gradually pressed down on the area of his brain responsible for language—but this is much more than a book about illness; rather, it's a book about a man who remains in thrall to life, as he inches closer to death. “I hope that if I am ever diagnosed with a terminal illness I will remember to reread Until Further Notice, I Am Alive. It is, in its tough-minded way, truly joyous.”—Lynn Barber, Sunday Times
This book is an account of a family unit, man, woman, young child, under assault, and how the three of them fought to keep it intact. Written with extraordinary narrative force and power, The Iceberg is almost shocking in its rawness.
... letter and resume that I used to continue my job search. In addition, he had me registered with Champion Employment ... until further notice. To this very day, I am patiently waiting on a call back, but it does not seem like that will ...
MS 1976. , Stevie Smith Papers , McFarlin Library , University of Tulsa . a 276 straightforward accompaniment to the ... so then they 75 Will May , Stevie Smith and Authorship ( Oxford : Oxford University Press , 2010 ) , p .
... Until Further Notice, I Am Alive, London: Granta, 2012. Riley, Denise, The Words of Selves: Identification, Solidarity, Irony, Palo Alto, CA: Stanford University Press, 2000. Notes 11 12 13 14 15 p. 159. Elizabeth Bishop, Complete. 1 ...
... Until Further Notice, I Am Alive (2012) recounts the author's experience with glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a type of malignant Grade IV brain tumour. Where Riggs's cancer diagnosis has an innocuous start that allows her, at the start ...
Ein Schnupfen hätte auch gereicht: Meine zweite Chance. Frankfurt am Main: Scherz, 2011. Köster, Gaby, and Thomas Köller. Die Chefin. Munich: Pendo, 2015. Kotin Mortimer, Armine. “Autofiction as Allofiction: Doubrovsky's L'Aprèsvivre.
... future” (Picardie, 1998, p. 58). Most remarkably certain authors begin to be able to contemplate their own death with ... Until Further Notice, I Am Alive, painstakingly unpicks, with an astounding matter-of-factness, what is to be feared.
... feel- ings. Since Woolf's time of writing, many literary authors have taken it upon them- selves to record the emotions ... Until Further Notice I am Alive (London: Granta Books), 2014. G. S. Bowman, 'Emotions and Illness,' Journal of ...
Balthazar (Lawrence Durrell), 241–42 Balzac (V. S. Pritchett), 47 Balzac: A Biography (Graham Robb), 47 Balzac, Honoré de, ... 140,418, 419 Battle Cry of Freedom (James M. McPherson), 287, 864 The Battle of Arnhem (Christopher Hibbert), ...
What is Humanism? How do you live without a god? And Other Big Questions for Kids. Wayland, 2016. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Bloomsbury, 1997. Stark, Ulf. Kan du Vissla Johanna. Illustrated Anna Höglund.