The approach we take is ideal for software developers with some, or extensive, programming experience: we design a RESTful API, which serves as our software specification, and implement it with every framework discussed in the book—there are no hypothetical examples; only practical working applications. This book is for Java developers who want to code RESTful web services using any of the open source RESTful frameworks available to date, for example, JAX-RS implementations such as Jersey and RESTEasy, the Restlet lightweight framework, or Struts 2 with the REST plug-in. You don't need to know REST, as we cover the theory of REST and web services; however, you should be familiar with the Java language and have some understanding of Java web applications. For each framework, we develop the same web service outlined in Chapter 4, so there is lots of working code available. This is a practical guide and the majority of the book is about coding RESTful web services, and not just about the theory of REST.
Building a photo gallery is an excellent place to start when delving into the system features of the Adobe AIR API included in the Flex 3 SDK.
By tying all of the classes together, you're able to create an offline experience that hasn't been easily available until now. All of the classes listed here are part of the 0.2 version of Google Gears.
Sprint projektowy: Tworzenie produktów cyfrowych
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A Guide to Integrating Applications
... Jovana Shirley Copy Editor: Gill Editorial Services Indexer: Lisa Stumpf Compositor: Gloria Schurick Proofreader: Mike Henry Manufacturing Buyer: Dan Uhrig Published by Pearson plc Publishing as IBM Press IBM Press offers excellent ...
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PowerBuilder Essentials: A Guide to the CPD
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