. . . a lovely little book which is full of telling points. Read it and you won t be disappointed. Jeremy Phillips, IPkat.com Meir Pugatch has done an excellent job by assembling an international and diverse cast of contributing authors, who have offered new insights into a broad span of the most pressing IP-related issues. . . a collection of high quality articles by eminent authorities on IPR is very useful for scholars in the academic fields of law, practitioners, and government officials interested in the field of international trade and intellectual property policy; intellectual property law, technology transfer and valuation and international business. Madhu Sahni, Journal of Intellectual Property Rights Intellectual property (IP) has become one of the most influential and controversial issues in today s knowledge-based society. This challenging book exposes the reader to key issues at the heart of the public debate now taking place in the field of IP. It considers IP at the macro level where it affects many issues. These include: international trade policy, ownership of breakthrough technologies, foreign direct investment, innovation climates, public private partnerships, competition rules and public health where it is strongly embedded in contemporary business decision making. Meir Pugatch has assembled an international and diverse cast of contributing authors, who offer new insights into a broad span of the most pressing IP-related issues. They shed light on the increasing dominance of IP in the design and execution of basic and applied research, the evaluation of intangible assets, and the protection and management of knowledge assets, underscoring its importance in relation to national economic development strategies and business strategies of knowledge-based industries and companies. The Intellectual Property Debate will appeal to scholars, practitioners, and government officials interested in the fields of international trade and intellectual property policy, intellectual property law, technology transfer and valuation, and international business.
Ideal Matter: Globalisation and the Intellectual Property Debate
107. Kieff, F. Scott (2000), 'Property Rights and Property Rules for Commercializing Inventions', 85 Minnesota Law Review 697. Landes, William and Richard Posner (1988), 'The Economics of Trademark Law', 78 Trademark Report 267.
Ideal Matter: Globalisation and the Intellectual Property Debate
Forthcoming Books
13. See " John Streater and the Knights of the Galaxy " in Johns , Nature of the Book , chapter 4 . 14. Goldstein , Copyright's Highway , 58-63 . 15. Goldstein , Copyright's Highway , 59 . 16. Goldstein , Copyright's Highway , 61 . 17.
This thought-provoking volume offers an update on current international IPR negotiations and includes case studies on software, computer chips, optoelectronics, and biotechnologyâ€"areas characterized by high development cost and easy ...
Policymakers responsible for American trade policy have become increasingly concerned with intellectual property issues. This volume is based on the premise that there is confusion over the details of intellectual...
Burrell, R and Kelly, C (2014) ' Public Rewards and Innovation Policy: Lessons from the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries', 77 Modern Law Review 858. Calder, L (2001) Financing the American Dream, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University ...
Intellectual Property, Medicine and Health examines critical issues and debates in current public health practice and policy, including access to knowledge and medicinal products, human rights and development, innovations in life ...
Through an analysis of the competing rhetorical frameworks about copyright regulation in a digital age, this book shows how the stories told by active parties in the debate shape our cultural understanding of what is and is not acceptable ...