"The volume Applied Evolutionary Economics and Economic Geography is the fourth book published by Edward Elgar on applied evolutionary economics stems from the fourth European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics (EMAEE) held in Utrecht, 19-21 May, 2
I expect a firm's competitive advantage in a knowledge intensive sector to rely on its ability to integrate different ... Besides knowledge integration, I measure knowledge capital K as the cumulated stock of past patent applications, ...
The purpose of this book is to provide a guided tour through the theoretical foundations of spatial locations of firms and industries in an evolutionary economic framework.
A crucial question in contemporary economics concerns where economic activities will locate and relocate themselves in the future. This comprehensive, innovative book applies an evolutionary framework to spatial economics, arguing...
With new perspectives on how the debate surrounding path dependence has evolved, this book will strongly appeal to postgraduate students and scholars of economic history, economic geography, political science and business studies.
In three sections, the book examines the evolution of economic geography, reviews recent work, and explores areas of overlap between economic geography and cognate disciplines.
This wide-ranging handbook studies and defines the paradigm of evolutionary economic geography.
bargaining power SOEs have may lessen the deterrent impact of regulations on themselves, whereas non-SOEs are more closely scrutinized and face stricter enforcement (Wang and Jin 2002; Wang et al. 2003).
This wide-ranging Handbook is the first major compilation of the theoretical and empirical research that is forging the new and exciting paradigm of evolutionary economic geography.The book.s distinguished contributors set...
This book was originally published as a special issue of Regional Studies.
The Accidental Theorist and other Dispatches from the Dismal Science. New York: Norton. ——(1998c). 'Space: the final frontier', Journal of Economic Perspectives, pp. 161–74. ——(1999). 'The role of geography in development', ...