The Irish Yearbook of International Law is intended to stimulate further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish thinking and practice on matters of international law. On an annual basis, the Yearbook presents peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Designated correspondents provide reports on international law developments in Ireland, Irish practice in international fora and the European Union, and the practice of joint North-South implementation bodies in Ireland. In addition, the Yearbook reproduces documents that reflect Irish practice on contemporary issues of international law. Publication of the Irish Yearbook of International Law makes Irish practice and opinio juris more readily available to Governments, academics and international bodies when determining the content of international law. In providing a forum for the documentation and analysis of North-South relations the Yearbook also make an important contribution to post-conflict and transitional justice studies internationally. As a matter of editorial policy, the Yearbook seeks to promote a multilateral approach to international affairs, reflecting and reinforcing Ireland's long-standing commitment to multilateralism as a core element of foreign policy.
"The Irish Yearbook of International Law is intended to stimulate further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish ...
This volume of the Yearbook includes a symposium on law and peacekeeping, and an article on the rights of migrants and refugees under the ECHR from Judge Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque.
However, in January 2019, the applicant in the case, Sarah Ewart, was granted leave to judicially review the termination of pregnancy laws in Northern Ireland and their incompatibility with Article 8 of the ECHR, in respect of the right ...
This volume of the Yearbook includes contributions on international humanitarian law, including intersections with international human rights law and the law of state responsibility, the concept of due diligence in international law, and ...
The Irish Yearbook of International Law is intended to stimulate further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish ...
This volume of the Yearbook includes a discussion of human rights based responses to human trafficking; the intersection between business and human rights in Ireland; and statements on women, peace and security."--
This volume of the Yearbook includes a symposium on law and peacekeeping, and an article on the rights of migrants and refugees under the ECHR from Judge Paulo Pinto de Albuquerque."--
The ninth volume of The Irish Yearbook of International Law engages with contemporary issues in international law, raising questions both as to the conceptual underpinnings of international law in relation to the Responsibility to Protect ...
This volume of the Yearbook includes contributions on international humanitarian law, including intersections with international human rights law and the law of state responsibility, the concept of due diligence in international law, and ...
"The Irish Yearbook of International Law is intended to stimulate further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish ...