In 1916, in the middle of the First World War, two men secretly agreed to divide the Middle East between them. Sir Mark Sykes was a visionary politician; François Georges-Picot a diplomat with a grudge. The deal they struck, which was designed to relieve tensions that threatened to engulf the Entente Cordiale, drew a line in the sand from the Mediterranean to the Persian frontier. Territory north of that stark line would go to France; land south of it, to Britain. Against the odds their pact survived the war to form the basis for the post-war division of the region into five new countries Britain and France would rule. The creation of Britain's 'mandates' of Palestine, Transjordan and Iraq, and France's in Lebanon and Syria, made the two powers uneasy neighbours for the following thirty years. Through a stellar cast of politicians, diplomats, spies and soldiers, including T. E. Lawrence, Winston Churchill and Charles de Gaulle, A Line in the Sand vividly tells the story of the short but crucial era when Britain and France ruled the Middle East. It explains exactly how the old antagonism between these two powers inflamed the more familiar modern rivalry between the Arabs and the Jews, and ultimately led to war between the British and the French in 1941 and between the Arabs and the Jews in 1948. In 1946, after many years of intrigue and espionage, Britain finally succeeded in ousting France from Lebanon and Syria, and hoped that, having done so, it would be able to cling on to Palestine. Using newly declassified papers from the British and French archives, James Barr brings this overlooked clandestine struggle back to life, and reveals, for the first time, the stunning way in which the French finally got their revenge.
This text combines detailed research with a clear presentation of the existing literature of women's medical work, making it useful to students of gender and medical history.
Trois regards sur le paysage français
The piano that George Sand gave Chopin , her guest for ten years , sits in the living room surrounded by the family portraits . There's also the puppet theatre made by Chopin and Sand's son Maurice , the pair no doubt trying to outdo ...
The piano that George Sand gave Chopin , her guest for ten years , sits in the living room with the family portraits . The writer's son Maurice built the puppet theater with Chopin , and made the puppets with his mother .
RCollected Stories of Guy de Maupassant is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, including new scholarship, thoughtful design, and pages of ...
... HOME TO WHITE WINGS Jean Dunbar 1359 RETURN TO TREMARTH Susan Barrie 0 1369 NURSE RONA CAME TO ROTHMERE , Louise Ellis 0 1372 ISLE OF POMEGRANATES Iris Danbury D 1374 FORTUNE'S LEAD Barbara Perkins II Have You Missed Any of These .
"Un homme au destin exceptionnel, tel fut Gaston Monnerville, par sa spectaculaire ascension sociale, par l'exemple d'intégration républicaine qu'il représente, par le modèle de vie qu'il nous offre.
The petition was drawn up by Gérard Chomienne , Betty Dugowson , Michèle Grinberg , Juliette Kahane , Claude Katz , Jean - Pierre Le Dantec , Michel Muller , Robert Pépin , Éveline Rochant , Anna Senik , and Talila Taguieff .
PILOTS AND AIRCRAFT The initial order for the Bloch 151 was for 475 aircraft, but this was reduced to 432 in April 1938. The first 144 were considered somewhat underpowered and, consequently, the remaining 288 were given upgraded ...