A complete guide to recreating authentic hair styles of the 1940s—with 1,000 color photographs and step-by-step instructions The 1940s were exciting times for women, heralding new looks and, crucially, new hair styles. This book provides a complete guide to those hair styles. It takes a step-by-step approach to demonstrate how to achieve the styles for yourself or for your clients at home, in a salon, or in the studio. More than 30 of the most common styles are illustrated with 1,000 color photographs. It also charts the history of 1940s hair fashion, and provides guidance on how best to achieve vintage looks for those wishing to re-enact, model, or wear the classic styles of the era. Included are both modern and traditional methods to achieving the hairstyle you pick, as well as troubleshooting tips and tricks. There is also a guide to hair accessories, make-up, and nails, which will help complete your look.
Vintage Hairstyles presents all the tools, techniques, and step-by-step instructions needed to achieve eye-catching looks for every occasion.
This book shows how to create so many of those hairstyles by taking hairstyles from the 1930s, 40s, 50s, and 60s and breaking them down into simple, easy-to-follow instructions. It uses brand new photographs and detailed directions.
Expanded and back in print, this popular resource to recreating authentic period hairstyles covers everything from short hairdos popular in the early 1940s to the cut-to-fit look made popular by Christian Dior in the late 1940s.
Essential to re-creating an authentic 1940s look, this resource guide to period styles covers everything from short hairdos popular in the early 1940s to the late 1940s 'cut to fit' look made popular by Christian Dior.
How to Create 1940s Hairstyles: Instructions and Illustrations for 17 Swing Era Styles
Hair Style Design: 1940s Hairshaping, Finger Waving, and Styling Techniques
Gladys Cooper face powder Dame Gladys Cooper was a successful stage and screen actress of the early 20th century. Known as a great beauty, she had her own range of French shingling clipper The shingle haircut involved the hair at.
Gives instructions on how to duplicate women's makeup styles of the 1920s through the 1960s.
This is a must-have for all aspiring make-up artists and hair stylists, or anyone who wants an easy way to achieve a classic look.
This book explains the period's sewing techniques and makes a range of 1940s outfits to recreate the look of those vintage years.