'Nothing fixes a thing so intensely in the memory as the wish to forget it' How many times have you said:'I've got a memory like a sieve'? Who hasn't cursed their inability to remember information for exams and been jealous of those that seem to be able to retain anything with ease. Well it's not a God given talent. It's something you can easily learn. If you want to remember poetry, speeches, lists, I will show you how. Everything from language and spelling, general knowledge, history, astronomy, science, geography, which monarch followed which, how many days in each month, the sequence of planets and much much more. Did you know that there are just 100 words in French, Spanish and German that give you the fundamentals to communicate? Did you know how easy it is to remember numbers and shopping lists and indeed almost anything? After all, I'm just like you. I've got a memory like a sieve as well. That's why I wrote this book!
Chick - cargo is a sounds like for Chicago , and mitten symbolizes 312. Now associate . You could see a cargo of chicks being driven into a huge woolen mitten . Philadelphia's area code is 215 , which transposes to the word needle .
This stylish and idiosyncratic volume provides all the tools and tips you need to help you hone your memory, to enrich your life and impress your friends!
“ Just hand all of your material over to Wallace , who will make the final decision . She'll be back to you on Thursday . ” Wallace ? You look blankly at the three female faces in the room .
Tall Poppyship: Be Crocodiles Not Waterlillies
Dominic O'Brien, 8 times world memory champion's, quick and easy tips for remembering all important facts and figures as well as heaps of trivia know-how.
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But the book doesn't only work for kids. It will do the trick for grown-ups, too--if they're smart enough. Read through it & in twenty minutes you'll know all the Presidents. You'll never forget them.
"Packed with mind-boggling, synapse-straining, super-fun memory games, this book is a wonderful way to give your mental muscles a work-out! Perfect for puzzlers aged 6 and up."--Publisher
Presents systems for remembering the states and their capitals, Presidents of the United States, and the multiplication tables. Also presents techniques for remembering spelling and vocabulary words.