Pile foundations are the most common form of deep foundations that are used both onshore and offshore to transfer large superstructural loads into competent soil strata. This book provides many case histories of failure of pile foundations due to earthquake loading and soil liquefaction. Based on the observed case histories, the possible mechanisms of failure of the pile foundations are postulated. The book also deals with the additional loading attracted by piles in liquefiable soils due to lateral spreading of sloping ground. Recent research at Cambridge forms the backbone of this book with the design methodologies being developed directly based on quantified centrifuge test results and numerical analysis. The book provides designers and practicing civil engineers with a sound knowledge of pile behaviour in liquefiable soils and easy-to-use methods to design pile foundations in seismic regions. For graduate students and researchers, it brings together the latest research findings on pile foundations in a way that is relevant to geotechnical practice. Sample Chapter(s). Foreword (85 KB). Chapter 1: Performance of Pile Foundations (4,832 KB). Contents: Performance of Pile Foundations; Inertial and Kinematic Loading; Accounting for Axial Loading in Level Ground; Lateral Spreading of Sloping Ground; Axial Loading on Piles in Laterally Spreading Ground; Design Examples. Readership: Researchers, academics, designers and graduate students in earthquake engineering, civil engineering and ocean/coastal engineering.
This international handbook is essential for geotechnical engineers and engineering geologists responsible for designing and constructing piled foundations.
The "Red Book" presents a background to conventional foundation analysis and design.
This Geotechnical Special Publication contains twenty-five papers from a workshop on seismic performance and simulation of pile foundations in liquefied and laterally spreading ground, held in Davis, California on March...
The 5th International Conference on Civil Engineering and Urban Planning (CEUP2016) was held in Xi'an, China on August 23 - 26, 2016.
This book presents the selected peer-reviewed proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Civil Engineering (ICRTICE 2019).
This book presents computational tools and design principles for piles used in a wide range of applications and for different loading conditions.
System dynamics and long-term behaviour of railway vehicles, Track and subgrade, Springer, Berlin, pp 337–356 Bathurst RJ, Raymond GP (1987) Geogrid reinforcement of ballasted track. Transportation Research Record 1153, ...
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the design of foundations for tall buildings.
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, (ICEGE 2019), June 17-20, 2019, Rome, ... World Housing Congress, Terrangganu, Malaysia. ... Building damage associated with geotechnical problems.
Seismic Design of Foundations: Concepts and Applications