The Jesus Prayer has been with us since the earliest years of Christianity. With its many variations, from “Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner" to the single word “Jesus” it has been a fount of prayer and a way of being attentive to God for the monks, nuns, clergy and lay people of the Eastern Church for centuries. Today, the Jesus Prayer is practiced all over the world in every Christian tradition. Simple in form, but powerful in its potential to develop and transform the heart, it becomes a way of life for those who practice it. This short, simple guide is ideal for all who are new to this ancient spiritual practice and all who are learning to make it part of their daily practice of prayer.
This is the story of a religious pilgrim's experiences as he wanders from place to place in Russia and Siberia in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Prayer of the Heart
13 chapters and epilogue written alternately by Bishop Simon and Brother Ramon.
Based on the Jesus prayer, "The Pilgrim's Tale" is the most famous example of Russian Orthodox spiritual literature.
Praying the Name of Jesus includes the complete text of the classic introduction to the Jesus Prayer written by Archimandrite Lev Gillet. Together, these words point the way toward a richer, fuller prayer life.
What is its history? How do we make it our own? This booklet traces the history of the Jesus Prayer and concludes with a brief discussion of how it can be appropriated by the individual believer today.