Since its beginning, the Church has always been made up of groups with differing, sometimes conflicting, views about matters of doctrine or Christian practice. Things are certainly no different today. Differences can run deep and debate can be acrimonious, which is damaging for all, not least for the Gospel. In this wise and gentle book, the celebrated writer William Countryman reminds Christians about the vast range of resources they have for discovering how solid and deep is the common ground on which they stand. Grace and humility are the only possible responses to the unimaginable gifts we have all received. Calling on the Spirit is a heartening and uplifting exploration of the work of the Holy Spirit in the church today and is rooted in the classical traditions of Anglicanism. Whatever your theological viewpoint, this is an enriching study for which readers will be deeply grateful.
The conference of 1908 with Archbishop Davidson in the chair was attended by 242 bishops and concerned itself with the ... The celebrated “ Appeal to All Christian People ” which was promulgated at the 1920 conference invited other ...
This is a scholarly edition of Laurence Sterne's sermons, and this volume also contains the notes to his 45 sermons.
See Gary Wills , Lincoln at Gettysburg : The Words That Remade America ( New York : Simon and Schuster , 1992 ) , esp . 101-11 . Wills notes that Parker “ contrasted the ideal Jesus with all the provisional expressions of that ideal in ...
Country Parson: Memoirs of a Rural New Brunswick Ministry
McDade , ' Catholic Theology in the Post - Conciliar Period ' , 422 Baum , ' Faith and Liberation ' , 75 . Antón , ' Postconciliar Ecclesiology ' , 420f . McDade , ' Post - Conciliar Period ' , 422 .
In these sermons, Barabra Brown Taylor walks us through the church year from the expectancy of Advent to the fires of Pentecost and beyond.
He was not merely a kindred spirit of Isaiah the prophet ; he was Isaiah's mouthpiece to his generation , the fulfillment in himself of Isaiah's prophecy of the voice crying in the wilderness , “ Prepare ye the way of the Lord !
The Authority of Divine Love
Bustling Intermeddler?: The Life and Work of Charles James Blomfield
Scholar, Pastor, Prophet Eric James ... or ' Dear John , if only he'd stop gadding about the globe ' ; and ' Brilliant intuition , of course ... but New Testament scholarship is , I'm afraid , more than intuition : and , dear John .