Pollution Control Technologies is a component of Encyclopedia of Environmental and Ecological Sciences, Engineering and Technology Resources in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. The volume on Pollution Control Technologies focuses largely concerned with strategies for pollution reduction, and pollution prevention if at all possible, using scientific and technological methods. Focusing primarily but not exclusively on air pollution, the Theme is written in simple English, avoiding both mathematical and chemical equations as far as possible to facilitate effective and widest possible dissemination. The content of the Theme provides the essential aspects and a myriad of issues of great relevance to our world such as: Control of Particulate Matter in Gaseous Emissions; Control of Gaseous Emissions; Pollution Control through Efficient Combustion Technology; Pollution Control in Industrial Processes; Pollution Control in Transportation, which are then expanded into multiple subtopics, each as a chapter. These three volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs
Complete Combustion 5.3. ... Conclusions Thermal and Catalytic Combustion 351 A. Buekens,Department of Chemical Engineering - CHIS 2, ... Emission Control Flue Gas Treatment Combustion, Safety and Environmental Pollution 6.
Technologies of Gaseous Pollutant Emission Control 222 Yongqi Lu, Department of Environmental Sciences and ... Photo-catalytic Oxidation of VOCs Technologies for Water Pollution Control 248 Wang Jianlong, Tsinghua University, Beijing, ...
[2] “Dust explosion prevention and protection: A practical guide”, (2000), Institution of Chemical Engineers, UK, ISBN 0 85295 410 7. [Excellent reference work on Dust explosion prevention and protection] [3] ...
This handbook (Volume Two of Two) covers the principals of pollution prevention and control technologies, recent advances in pollution prevention, control technologies and their sustainability, modernization in pollution prevention and ...
Health effects: Nose and throat irritation, lung damage, bronchitis, early death. • Control strategies: Mechanical filtration, electronic air cleaning, and absorption. 4. Ozone • Source: Chemical reaction of pollutants, VOCs and NOx, ...
The ninth volume in the distinguished series examines the latest research and techniques to control and even eliminate subsurface, groundwater, and marine pollution. The 32 chapters cover four broad categories:...
The contents also focus on the role of membrane technology in water and wastewater treatment, and particulate matter air pollution and its control techniques. This volume will be a useful guide for researchers, academics and scientists.
This book covers how to: Review alternative design methods Select methods for control Evaluate the costs of control equipment Examine equipment proposals from vendors With its comprehensive coverage of air pollution control processes, the ...
In this collection, I am pleased to include an article on noise pollution. Noise is a pollutant of our own behavior and can only be solved by a behavioral change. The change that is either voluntary or enforced by laws.
In Air Pollution Control Engineering: Handbook of Environmental Engineering, Volume 1, a panel of eminent air pollution control educators and practicing professionals critically survey both the principles and practices involved in air ...