Explores the secrets of the Iraq War, where surveillance and special operations played a vital role in the conflict between insurgents and occupying forces after the overthrow of dictator Saddam Hussein.
This book critically analyses the topic of US-led external interventions in the affairs of developing countries by using one of the most contested experiments of modern times, namely, the invasion of Iraq and its aftermath.
... Iranian Military Activities and Other Issues, March 1988. 83 Farouk-Sluglett and Sluglett, Iraq since 1958: From Revolution to Dictatorship, 273. 81 84 Timothy V. McCarthy and Jonathon B. Tucker, “Saddam's Toxic 1988: dénouement 315.
In this unprecedented account of the intensive air and ground operations in Iraq, two of America's most distinguished military historians bring clarity and depth to the first major war of the new millennium.
Describes the March 2003 ambush of a U.S. Army convoy outside Nasiriyah, the one from which Private Jessica Lynch was captured, and the efforts of a Marine battalion to rescue any surviving personnel, efforts that led to a brutal and costly ...
The book also features an overview essay, a "causes and consequences" essay, maps, photos, a chronology, and a bibliography.
This book critiques the conceptualization of security found in mainstream and critical theoretical debates, and applies this to the empirical case of the 2003 Iraq War.
Among his revelations: The most authoritative account of Saddam Hussein's support for Islamic terrorist organizations—including extensive new reporting on his active cooperation with al-Qaeda in Iraq long after the fall of Baghdad ...
The role of public opinion in nations' decisions to join or withdraw from the war in Iraq
Despite the widespread appeal of this version of history, Frank P. Harvey argues that it remains an unsubstantiated assertion and an underdeveloped argument without a logical foundation.
The Choice of War: The Iraq War and the "Just War" Tradition discusses NSS 2002, the national security statement that became the blueprint for the Bush Doctrine.