In INSIDE APPLE, Adam Lashinsky provides readers with an insight on leadership and innovation. He introduces Apple business concepts like the 'DRI' (Apple's practice of assigning a Directly Responsible Individual to every task) and the Top 100 (an annual event where that year's top 100 up-and-coming executives were surreptitiously transported to a secret retreat with company founder Steve Jobs). Based on numerous interviews, the book reveals exclusive new information about how Apple innovates, deals with its suppliers, and is handling the transition into the Post Jobs Era. While INSIDE APPLE provides a detailed investigation into the unique company, its lessons about leadership, product design and marketing are universal. INSIDE APPLE will appeal to anyone hoping to bring some of the Apple magic to their own company, career, or creative endeavour.
... IDG Communications ; US ; 617 / 534-1200 Casey , Dennis ; VP , Strategic Research Corp .; US ; 8057569-5610 Casey , Donald P .; Pres , Wang Laboratories Inc .; US ; 508 / 459-5000 Casey , Joan Kelleher ; Pres , Joan Kelleher Casey ...
The Women in IT (WINIT) Final Report
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Computer Sourcebook is the perfect resource for anyone who wants maximum efficiency from their time and computer. It covers hardware, software and support; training and seminars; online and print publications;...
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Computer Industry Almanac, 1993
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The systems also vary in the extent of training and the knowledge of the underlying DB required of the user . ... J. and Kaplan , S. J. " Natural language access to data bases : Interpreting update requests " , American Journal of ...
CSIS interns Aaron Gotwalt , Jason Guthrie , and Larry Heftman also made vital contributions to the report and to the project . James A. Lewis Project Director VIII David Mussington Senior Scientist The RAND Corporation David W. VII ...