`This book tackles the leadership question by looking both outward and inward, the latter being how to sustain oneself as a leader...Developing Sustainable Leadership is an important contribution to the field of educational leadership' - Education Libraries `This collection of pithy analysis and insightful solutions will be easily assimilated by school leaders, policy makers and community stakeholders who will, with relative ease, be left eager to recontextualise the wisdom within to their own unique circumstances' - ESCalate `School leaders and teachers know a lot more than they think they do. So, what prevents the release of that creative energy? Look, no further than this thought provoking collection of essays from world leading scholars. It treats us to a kaleidoscopic view of what we do know, what we ought to know and what we urgently need to do to harness the power of sustainable leadership. Policy makers, please take careful note!' - John MacBeath, Professor Education Leadership, University of Cambridge With increasing accountability pressures, developing and sustaining leaders is a major challenge for all those involved in education today. This book brings together eleven outstanding writers to provide insights, frameworks and ideas on how we can sustain our school leaders and develop values-based leadership in order to counter the short-term management solutions that abound. Andy Hargreaves, Dean Fink, Michael Fullan, Brent Davies, Ken Leithwood, David Hopkins, Geoff Southworth, Brian Caldwell, Chris Day, Terry Deal and Gib Hentschke represent some of the most powerful thinkers and writers in the educational leadership field who respond to the challenge of how we can develop and sustain our school leaders. While a great deal has been written on preparation for leadership, this book takes leadership thinking to the next level by providing strategies for enhancing and empowering the leaders we have. This book is a key source of ideas, insights and frameworks for all those involved in sustaining our school leaders. 'Offers a clarity to complex problems that enables both the academic and general reader to identify with the issues dealt with...the book is an enjoyable insight into several leaders' view on leadership, which Brent Davies has pulled together well and which will be of use to headteachers, aspiring leaders and academics alike' - International Journal of Educational Management
This book is an ideal reference for busy administrators dedicated to continued educational excellence.
This book deals with the main challenges of sustainable development and the role of sustainable business and corporate social responsibility in implementing these challenges through sustainable leadership and innovations.
This book provides you with information, tips, and tools to assess and strengthen your company for ongoing success.
Harris, Chair of Educational Leadership at the Institute of Education, University of London, continues, “Breaking this bond will require leadership that is responsive to school context and is underpinned by an unrelenting focus on ...
Featuring research on topics such as human resource strategies, social responsibility, and psychological capital, this book is ideally designed for managers, business leaders, and researchers seeking coverage on multicultural intelligence ...
The ideas in the book are insightful, specific, and actionable." -- Gina Qiao, SVP Human Resources, Lenovo "Finally, a 'how-to' book that is grounded in the real-world dynamics of leading organizations!
The study of industrial ecology could benefit from a more integrated systems approach (Ashton, 2009; Hoffman, 2003; Metson, Aggarwal, & Childers, 2012), which could assist in expanding the field from a collection of tools for ...
This is leadership for the long term not just the immediate, for all schools not just for some." —Steve Munby, executive director, UK National College for School Leadership
The Pursuit of Sustainable Leadership: Sustainable Leadership (SL) encompasses the broad roles and responsibilities of leaders that cut across the whole organization and the entire extended enterprise from horizon to horizon.
Inspiring case studies show how the book's strategies and principles can be applied to diverse situations: Coordinating the activities of widely dispersed individuals and groups who may not even know they are connected, illustrated by the ...