In this ground-breaking and compelling book, Nicholas Carr argues that not since Gutenberg invented printing has humanity been exposed to such a mind-altering technology. The Shallows draws on the latest research to show that the Net is literally re-wiring our brains inducing only superficial understanding.
Cyber Cities: Visual Perception in the Age of Electronic Communication
Computers and Society: Instructor's guide
Computers and Society: The Technology and Its Social Implications. Instructor's guide
Information Technology and Society
Information Technology and Society
Information Technology and Society
28 Moulton was William Moulton Marston , psychologist , attorney , inventor of the lie - detector test , prison reformer , and businessman . Marston's conventional feminism ascribed force bound by love to women and opposed that to men's ...
Test Bank to Accompany Computers and Society--impact!
The only A-Z guide available on this subject, this book provides a wide-ranging and up-to-date overview of the fast-changing and increasingly important world of cyberculture.
Inventeur de formes kaléidoscopiques, Yann Legendre repousse les limites du noir et blanc et renvoie le lecteur à des questionnements contemporains : le contrôle social, le Big Data ou encore l’intelligence artificielle.