Updated and expanded edition of the fullest ever collective investigation into Jack the Ripper and the Whitechapel Murders. This volume collects not just all the key factual evidence but also 20 different arguments as to the identity of Jack the Ripper, such as that advanced by Patricia Cornwell. Contributions are from the world's leading Ripperologists, including William Beadle, Melvyn Fairclough, Martin Fido, Shirley Harrison, James Tully and Colin Wilson. The identity of Jack the Ripper has plagued professional historians, criminologists, writers and amateur enthusiasts. The many suspects include Montague John Druitt, Walter Sickert, Aaron Kosminski, Michael Ostrog, William Henry Bury, Dr Tumblety and James Maybrick. The only certainty is that Ripperologist have not found an invididual on whom they can all agree. The essays are supported by a detailed chronology, extensive bibliography and filmography.
... The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 22 The Mammoth Book of Undercover Cops The Mammoth Book of Weird News The Mammoth Book of Muhammad Ali The Mammoth Book of Best British Crime 9 The Mammoth Book of Conspiracies The Mammoth Book of ...
In this collection of brand-new stories, Maxim Jakubowski has compiled an extraordinary array of explorations into the identity of Jack the Ripper - all unabashedly fictional, unrestrained by history and the known facts.
The Complete Jack the Ripper lays out all the evidence in the most comprehensive summary ever written about the Ripper.
Lewis had had a row with her husband and gone to stay with Mrs Keyler at No 2. She arrived at 2.30 by the Christ Church clock. It is likely that this witness was the same Mrs Kennedy who talked to the Press because 'both' women (Lewis ...
Report by Chief Inspector Swanson, 19 October 1888, Evans and Skinner, Sourcebook, pp. 137-38. 94. The Times, 12 October 1888, p. 4. 95. ... M. Connor, “Did the Ripper work for Pickfords,” Ripperologist, 72, October 2006, pp. 25-30.
The second medical man is Dr Thomas Dutton, of Westbourne Villas, Bayswater, allegedly friend and counsellor of Inspector Abberline. Dutton is credited with the compilation of three handwritten volumes, 'Chronicles of Crime', ...
With her husband Tony she has co written stories for Mike Ashley's Royal Whodunnits and Shakespearean Detectives, and together they run Parlour Voices, a live reading/performance group. “WhileI was finishing my thesis on The Vampire in ...
Unfortunately, that could apply to many, not helped by the factthat the name Douglas survives as one English river, two Scottish rivers and twelve called Dulas in Wales. Doubtless there would have been plenty more called Dulas in ...
As there were no signs of anyone having broken into the house, Alun Phillips became the prime suspect and he was arrested. While in custody, Phillips's father died, leaving him a share in a £30 million fortune.
Other members of the police force were in court to give their statements, one of the more interesting being given by Captain James Barker, who had been assigned the case along with Captain Edward Melchen; both had been brought in from ...